Wondering about the sex of our duckling.


5 Years
Jul 15, 2019
NW Ohio
This is Chuck. He’s Cayuga/Khaki Campbell. Can anyone figure out if he’s really Chick or more of a Chuckita??
Chuckita! Your pretty duckling appears to be a lavender. I only know because I have one too. This is mine (she is a Khaki Silver Swedish cross):

Anyway, lavender results from having the brown sex-linked trait and blue (one black, one nonblack). The only way you could get a lavender from a Cayuga khaki cross is if your male is the Khaki and your female is the Cayuga. Am I correct? This would be a sex-linked cross and any lavender offspring would be females. Boys would be blue. She is beautiful btw!
Chuckita! Your pretty duckling appears to be a lavender. I only know because I have one too. This is mine (she is a Khaki Silver Swedish cross):
View attachment 3230249
Anyway, lavender results from having the brown sex-linked trait and blue (one black, one nonblack). The only way you could get a lavender from a Cayuga khaki cross is if your male is the Khaki and your female is the Cayuga. Am I correct? This would be a sex-linked cross and any lavender offspring would be females. Boys would be blue. She is beautiful btw!
I thought Swedish because of the neck but wasn’t sure
I have 4 Swedish myself
Maybe one of the parents has a Swedish gene in them
This is so exciting! She will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday. @cheezenkwackers I am so impressed with your knowledge. I wish I understood the genetics behind all of this. Yes, the male is the Khaki and the mom is the Cayugo! It's a relief to know she's a Chuckita! Your duck is lovely as well. Such a sweet face!

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