wondering if my rhode island red pullet hen is a rooster


9 Years
Aug 24, 2010
we have seen some behaviour changes as posted before, but now i am wondering if anyone has pictures of 5-6 month old rir roosters so i can compare
wattles and comb are large but seems shaped like a hen
but getting very loud and very aggressive and territorial
at top of pecking order and my son is still convinced it is a hen
thanks so much, any pictures are appreciated
ps i don't know how to get my pics on here yet
I have one RIR hen and she is much more aggressive and bossy than my other six Girls. She is the only one I have seen "mount" another hen, which she does quite regularly to my lowest ranked Girl. Don't assume your chicken is a rooster based on behaviour. Long, pointy hackle and saddle feathers, long, curved tail feathers and crowing are much more reliable indications of a roo.
My Girls are all 1 1/2 yrs. old and laying eggs. "Mounting" another hen is not unusual, just dominant behaviour.
Thats so funny.......... i never heard that on here before
These chickens sure are entertaining
Here is a pic of my rooster Rudy. He is not as old as you requested but he is VERY different and much bigger than my hens that are the same age.

He is 4 months old in this picture.

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