

11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
Cibolo, TX
I had been told that coyote urine will ward off smaller predator types.

My question(s) is(are):

Does having domestic dogs and cats roaming the property help to discourage varmints in the same manner?

Does the coyote urine attract coyotes? Is it male or female urine? Where does one get coyote urine?

Would dumping catboxes around the yard's perimeter (large yard > 2 acres... so, not really as gross as it may sound) help in warding off smaller varmints? Or might it attract them since cats are basically small varmints themselves?
We use cat urine to attract coyote when we're hunting them, so using it as a predator deterrent is a concept that doesn't really sit well with me. It might deter some smaller predators, but around here it's the coyotes I'm worried about. We also use coyote urine to attract coyote for hunting purposes . . . either sex works, the coyotes just want to find out who is in their territory and they come to investigate. A good outdoor store will carry various urine scents.

Dog urine does seem to keep coyotes at bay, don't know about other predators . . . I've heard human urine works, but I've never tested that one.
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Many people use human urine as a deterant, it does work to a degree, just remember to refresh after every rain as human urine is much weaker and doesnt hold well under wet conditions.
As FowlTemptress mentioned preditor urine is generally used as a call in for the like preditor, I would go more with moth balls, shiney CD's unpleasant noise makers and such.

I cant help but remember something from one of the Dr Doolittle movies, the one where the dog encounters a wolf in the wild.
They go through a Marking sequence, and the wolf blatently says,
You call that Marking , smells more like lemonaid.
always makes me wonder about dogs against preditors.
just a rambling thought I guess.
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I bought some Coyote urine because I wanted to ward off smaller animals that were attacking my garden. The "fragrance" can be purchased in any place that sells basic hunting supplies. The smell is powerful and permeates through the bottle! Only use it far, far, far (I can't stress this enough) away from where you might smell it!


(holding her nose)
using regular ammonia works on keeping all sorts of predators away. just put a bit in an old soda bottle with a rag and leave the lid off. put it all around your yard below each fence post or farther apart if you like...
worked for my friend keeping animals away from his prize winning sebrights.
I can't remember where I read it, but if you can get large cat poop from a zoo or circus, it works well. Never tried it though, and I would think there may be regulations about its disposal.
We use the "used" cat litter to get rid of skunks. Just dump it at the entrance of their hole and they decide to move out.

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