Woo Fort Knox did it's job!


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2019
The chicken run security worked well last night. Pretty sure a fox tried to get in last night. I woke up to holes dug around it's perimeter on the bedding and straw the chickens kick out when scratching. Once the critters hit the 1 ft pavers and apron (hardwear cloth ran under both sides of fence held down with landscape Staples and pavers on both sides of fence on top of apron) it would move to another spot and try again Fort Knox works again

I think it was the foxes I heard chasing raccoons last night. I had quite the scare I was locking the coop door for the night and when I left the run I heard a noise. I pointed the flashlight in the direction and saw a raccoon running from a predator and then heard foxes barking. I am pretty sure they were pups learning how to hunt. Boy did I jump when a giant raccoon was running at full speed towards me. HA!

Ah the joys of country life.
That would have made me a bit more than freaked out.
I am very glad that your fortifications worked well.

Freaked out was when my daughter and I were fishing at dusk on the neighbor's bridge and a coyote growled at us. It wanted to have access to the river for a drink or wanted to cross the bridge. Needless to say we took off pretty quickly. We never saw it but we sure heard it.

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