Woods Open Air Coop Design - Amish Built

Looks good!

You probably have those guys talking to themselves, as the building they are building this within is the modern era standard issue Amish building. Metal siding over simple post frame. That is their default construction method these days. Cheap, easy to build and does the job for them. When they are paying for it, they are sensitive to cost and it is the least cost option available.

Having said all that, if you want the Lexus version, have them install battens over the boards. Battens seal up the cracks and really makes the appearance of the building POP out. Battens are simply the same type of boards, ripped down to about 2 inches wide and nailed vertically over the seams.

And when I say "cracks", it helps to know that sawn lumber of this type, unless dried down to low moisture levels, still has some shrink in it. As it dries out to whatever the final moisture level will be, cracks will open between the boards. If so, the winter wind will whistle through those cracks at an alarming rate. Well ventilated? Yes, but not in a good way. Battens over the joint seals the cracks. BTW, there was a humorous episode on the old "Gunsmoke" tv show that involved Matt and Chester getting tricked into installing battens on an old barn.

Or, if they routed the edges to make their sawn boards into a "ship lap" type of overlapping siding, there are no cracks and the battens are not needed. The other traditional type of wood lumber used was one of two types of tongue and groove lumber....with interlocking joint seams to keep the wind and weather out. One was called a dutch lap....typically wider boards installed horizontally;..... the other was called a number of things.....drop siding, car siding, etc. 100 years ago, 99% of all farm buildings were made with the stuff. But wood was cheap back then, plus it was the only game in town.
Installing battens..........go to the 11:30 mark........

Hmmmm......curious thing. Matt Dillon shoots with his right hand and hammers with his left? In several movies, I think Clint Eastwood did the same.
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I've had good luck setting building on blocks. I did screw in some beefy. Dog stakes that screw in the ground then strung galvanised strap threw them and screwed it to the floor joist.
A few updates pictures, delivery should be in less than 2 weeks which is perfect timing as we are adding a few pullets to our flock ❤️ I can’t wait!!!!

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