Worms .... Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pic Attached)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
I just went outside to give my chickens some left over yellow cake and noticed this mound on my door step. I have 7 chickens, 1 rooster, 2 Pekin ducks and 3 outdoor cats. I am freaking out because I don't know if this is from the cats or from my chickens. All my chickens are acting totally normal, except for 1 hen who is acting normal in every respect, but has been walking around like she's carrying a load, hard to explain it any other way. I posted about her a few weeks ago. She doesn't appear to be egg bound, she's eating, sleeping, acting normal in every other respect, other than her tummy feels a bit firm when I hold her and since I have gotten her, I've never seen her lay an egg. A few times over the past few weeks, I have found a stray egg with a soft shell that has been cracked on the floor of the coop, again, I don't know if this is from her. I also have as I said 3 outdoor cats that bring home birds, chipmunks, voles, baby bunnies, etc. I kept the worms in a small baggie and just looked at them again and they are still moving. Please, can anyone let me know if these are common for chickens/ducks or should I focus my attention on the outdoor cats.

AAACK!!!! Those look like round worms. Have you given anyone wormer lately? Very strange for them just to come out on their own. You see this sometimes in puppies with the first worming, but that's a LOT of rounds!!!
Those look like roundworms to me, too. (As in "my dog/cat has worms".) But I think any kind of animal can get worms, including chickens. You might want to take your bag of worms to the vet and ask about it. They'd probably know where they came from just by looking at the worms.
Oh God, with so many animals, how do I pinpoint who needs the treatment? I called the vet and she said I would need to treat all 3 cats separately with a powder in each of their food. My dog definitely doesn't have them, he is not around the cats or really outside at all and was inside when I found this mess on the stoop. The only time I have ever seen anything like this like the previous poster said was at least 15 years ago when I wormed a little of Dane puppies I had and the worms all came out. I have never seen anything like this. I have to go pick up the powder for the cats tomorrow, but I'm concerned it could be from the chickens who I've had about 2 years and have never wormed them. Also, I throw my chickens raw chopped meat from time to time and am worried the raw chopped meat could have given the chickens worms? I don't know how this mess got there ... from the cats, the chickens or the ducks!
Treat all your animals. That is what we do. The wormer comes in a liquid. We have a pretty big bottle of it since our cat had round worms like this. We usually buy D-Worm for cats and dogs.
You might not ever know where the worms came from. To be honest, I think your best chance of success is if you worm all of the animals at the same time. Ask your vet what they think you should do about the chickens. If your vet can't give you poultry advice, you might check the feed store. They would probably have something you can use to worm the chickens and ducks.
From looking online you may have to treat more than once because the eggs are passed in the feces. Therefore any feces from before the worming would be tainted. Ask your vet how long the eggs remain viable once outside of the host.

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