

10 Years
Jun 3, 2013
North Alabama
When i got home from work yesterday, DH told me he had seen (and gotten rid of) several maggots/worms. They were in the house on the kitchen floor. I immediately treated the cat and chickens with ivermectin. I also cleaned the house and porches. Now, my questions: First, they may have been tracked into the house. I usually step out the back door, get into my boots & to my work, then step out of the boots and back in the door. But, I have grandkids that don't. If I set a pan of disinfectant by the door, what should I use in the pan? I have lysol, pinesol, oxine--any of these or something different? Second, the chickens roam onto the porch steps and into the carport. I hose these off periodically, but should I be swabbing them with something else? They tend to congregate in the carport under a car (dummies, we have another covered area with dirt but they only dustbathe there.) Third, for inside my house, with what should I clean to prevent eggs from hatching? I sweep,vacuum. mop but apparently that is not enough. The grands play on the floor, I don't want them to get worms. Fourth, will ivermectin kill them? do I re-dose, after how long? I have safeguard, should I use it also? Re-dose? Fifth, when I clean the coop, what should I use? I've been using pinesol, pretty strong, then spraying with sevin into the cracks. Not enough? I have 4 chickens and 1 cat, they all roam my 3 acres freely. We are in a rural area, so possums, coons, stray cats, etc are also present. Please tell me what I should do that I'm not already doing. It grosses me out to think of maggots in my carpets and the kids getting worms. Oh, how can you tell if it's worms from parasites or maggots from, say, a garbage can? I was thinking that you don't actually see a worm crawling on the floor, so it might be maggots. It's been real hot and humid here and we have an awful lot of flies outside. We recently bought a new kitchen garbage can and it just doesn't seem to smell clean ever, so maybe that's the issue? I got it because the old can had nooks & crannies that I couldn't keep clean, but now I'm wondering. thanks.
It does sound like maggts. If so, flies are laying their eggs in something (food scraps, poop) and the maggots are hatching and crawling away.

Worms cannot survive outside their host. Trudyg you are dealing with maggots.

Could be larva from India Meal Moths(I think that is the name). We had them show up in our garage, called the exterminator thinking they were maggots because they looked just like a maggot. Turns out the were moth larva hatching out of some bird seed. Exterminator said eggs can be in any kind of seed, feed or grain products and then hatch as maggot-like caterpillers.
ok, I will assume it's maggots. How do I get rid of them and keep them away? I Pinesol'd everything, but will that do it? I think I'll have to fence off the area around the house--it's so hot here that I'll bet that the flies we have are laying eggs in the poop, then somehow getting indoors. I do not see maggots outside, only in the house. Do you think we track in on our shoes and then they hatch inside? If so, with what do we disninfect our shoes? I'm ready to lysol the entire yard, but don't want to do the work and then have used the wrong product and still have the problem. I have some barn fly spray, but it is effective to use that outdoors? I'm at work, so couldn't do anything till after 5 anyway, so I want to be armed & ready to go when I get home.
If you never see them outside, I wonder if you are storing something indoors that they are hatching out of. Have you ever kept flour or rice so long that you found worms in it? I once found worms inside a botle of fennel seed.

I suspect the trick is going to be finding the source.
Check your pantry for any possible source. We had them come out of chocolate wrapped halloween candy one year. The first thing that made me investigate was spider web or cocoon looking stuff on some of my canned goods…took everything out, found the candy with yucky looking maggot worms in it. Those were actually moth larvae.

If yours are really maggots, from flies, they usually lay eggs in rotting meat or produce or a dead animal.
I just had a disturbing thought... What if one of the cat has a wound with maggots and they're dropping off when it comes inside? I'd definetly check all pets for hidden wounds.

Check your pantry for any possible source. We had them come out of chocolate wrapped halloween candy one year. The first thing that made me investigate was spider web or cocoon looking stuff on some of my canned goods…took everything out, found the candy with yucky looking maggot worms in it. Those were actually moth larvae.

If yours are really maggots, from flies, they usually lay eggs in rotting meat or produce or a dead animal.

X2...... and they really really do look just like fly maggots.
I just had a disturbing thought... What if one of the cat has a wound with maggots and they're dropping off when it comes inside? I'd definetly check all pets for hidden wounds.


That is disturbing, but entirely possible, believe me I know.
If by chance you would find a pet with a wound and maggots, Swat for horses works great. The maggots will throw themselves off the treated wound.

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