Worried about my chicks flying out of run...

Hey good luck with the little ones! I haven't heard those breeds to be flightly, but I don't have any of them myself. We used a four foot high wire, but created a one foot bib at the base, and so now it's only three feet high. My hubby caught the salmon faverolle roo roosting on the top of the fence when he went out there yesterday...the little guy jumped back in to safety when he was spotted, but it looks like we've got some building up to do, earlier than we expected! Our guys are only about 7 weeks old.

Yup... 7 weekers are a bit on the mischievous side. Thought I would include this photo of the Tom that was adopted by my girls. He hung around for about 2 weeks before we relocated him to where we saw a true flock of turkeys... Sadly this was also taken when my 5th hen was still with us.

What a silly turkey! Your birds are so pretty
it looks like they are marching in formation!
soo, remember when i said my chickens were happy enough to just stay in their run...
turns out when they are hungry enough they sure know how to get out!!

My morning routine with them is usually to let them out of their coop into the run, and then go and get there food from the barn and feed them... I wasn't home this morning so my mom just let them out. When i did come home, a little later 3 of the little rascals were just hanging out in the driveway, after putting them back in wondering how they had gotten out i went to get their food. On my way back to the coop 4 of them were running across the yard! I don't know how but they are flying out somehow!! Im hoping it was just because they wanted their breakfast, but i'm going to have to keep and eye on them!
Wow... Read this and have kept an eye on my birds for the past week or so. Been keeping them fed and happy so that may be the trick. Also I think the new little ladies are adopting the good behavior of the older hens and are staying grounded. If my Golden Comets stay on the earth then I imagine the others wont feel the need to fly either. Hope yours have found their food satisfying enough to stay put.
Wow... Read this and have kept an eye on my birds for the past week or so. Been keeping them fed and happy so that may be the trick. Also I think the new little ladies are adopting the good behavior of the older hens and are staying grounded. If my Golden Comets stay on the earth then I imagine the others wont feel the need to fly either. Hope yours have found their food satisfying enough to stay put.
Wow... Read this and have kept an eye on my birds for the past week or so. Been keeping them fed and happy so that may be the trick. Also I think the new little ladies are adopting the good behavior of the older hens and are staying grounded. If my Golden Comets stay on the earth then I imagine the others wont feel the need to fly either. Hope yours have found their food satisfying enough to stay put.
I agree if they are going to fly out either clip their wings or have a vet perform the procedure for you is an option too. Many great informative videos on Youtube. Seems simple in clipping the wings really. My most skiddish birds who seem to want to fly around are my red sex-links. They are awesome little flyers. My orpingtons don't seem to enjoy being very high up and don't fly as well which is great! Best of luck!
In our run we use kennel panels as fencing. It is 6' high and the younger birds can fly out easily. Since we have predators and since I also have an automatic door on the coup, I don't like the idea of totally enclosing the run area.

My concern is that a raccoon for instance could get into the run area at night, munch a little of their feed, but then be unable to get back out... Then when the door auto-opens in the morning, "breakfast" comes running out the door!

So, rather than attach something like avary netting over the top, I have criscrossed thin nylon rope back and forth at the top of the kenel panels at about 1.5 ft intervals. It's enough to discourage/prevent flying out, and a raccoon can easily escape.

I have had this in place for a few weeks now and it is working great.

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