Worried about neighbor's loose beagle getting my chickens!

Would an extension cord from the house be a good enough electricity source lol? I have set up electric fences before but only the battery powered ones for horses, so I'm not quite sure how to set it up for chickens, other than setting it closer to the ground.

Extension cord or solar powered will do. Former is cheaper on front end but cord may be headache during yard maintenance.

Poultry netting could also be used as suggested but cost much higher and it will likely be much larger / longer than actually needed. The electric fencing could be setup so as to be difficult to see while poultry netting will stand out like a sore thumb.
This may seem cold but I shoot every strange dog that comes on my land. I've lost too many chickens due to them so my tolerance is extremely low. The way I see it is if the owner cared anything about their dog they wouldn't let it roam the neighborhood
I use a hot wire, it's been very, very effective. Several neighbor dogs have stuck their nose on that wire while investigating the chicken run. They have all left the area at top speed and have not returned to try it again!
I have the same thing going on for the last two months. My neighbor down the street has two very large dogs. She works full time, and every day when she goes to work, she lets the dogs out to run around while she is at work. The first place they go is to my yard and my neighbors yard, because we both have chickens. Three times now I have had to catch my neighbors chickens and bring them back to his yard because they are getting chased into mine. Because it's so cold, my chickens have stayed inside all day. My chickens free range, so I am very worried that when the weather warms up and they start spending they day outside again, that those two dogs will kill my chickens. This morning I had to rescue my cat from the top of a tree because those dogs chased her up there. It didn't help that it rained last night and all of the water froze. I almost fell out of that tree with a cat in my arms because it was so slippery up there. My neighbors will not stop letting their dogs out without supervision. If they start to become a threat to my cats, goats, and chickens, we are having animal control come and pick the dogs up. I can't risk losing my animals because my neighbor can't control her dogs.
I have the same thing going on for the last two months. My neighbor down the street has two very large dogs. She works full time, and every day when she goes to work, she lets the dogs out to run around while she is at work. The first place they go is to my yard and my neighbors yard, because we both have chickens. Three times now I have had to catch my neighbors chickens and bring them back to his yard because they are getting chased into mine. Because it's so cold, my chickens have stayed inside all day. My chickens free range, so I am very worried that when the weather warms up and they start spending they day outside again, that those two dogs will kill my chickens. This morning I had to rescue my cat from the top of a tree because those dogs chased her up there. It didn't help that it rained last night and all of the water froze. I almost fell out of that tree with a cat in my arms because it was so slippery up there. My neighbors will not stop letting their dogs out without supervision. If they start to become a threat to my cats, goats, and chickens, we are having animal control come and pick the dogs up. I can't risk losing my animals because my neighbor can't control her dogs.

Why don't you & your neighbor contact your local law enforcement & animal control & file a complaint against this lady if she refuses to keep her animals on HER OWN property. I would also advise her that if they come on your property again, they WILL NOT be coming home & that she will be responsible for ANY & ALL damages her dogs do. As has been quoted many times on here, "A DOG ON IT'S OWN PROPERTY IS A PET, ON SOMEONE ELSE'S IT A PREDATOR". This lady obviously does NOT care about the welfare of her animals, by letting them loose they could be hit by cars or shot because of them destroying someone else's property or pets. Just my 2 cents.
I completely agree with you. My neighbor doesn't care so much about his chickens, but he doesn't want them killed. He is friends with the lady who owns the dogs, so I'm on my own with this one. If she doesn't stop letting them loose by Spring, I will probably call animal control. I will not lose my animals because someone is irresponsible.
We lived near a guy right in town that kept I don't know probably 15 hunting hounds chained up in his very small yard, and they would inevitably get loose from time to time. This one beagle kept coming to our house, and we would take him back to the owner over and over. After the 10th time or so my exhusband loaded him in the car and took him elsewhere and dropped him off. I was against this idea, but it did work. And it seems if you care about an animal you would try harder to keep them at home. We tried calling animal control, and as soon as we said it was a beagle and not a pitbull they were unconcerned. What?! It is an animal on my property that doesn't belong there. Come and control it you animal controllers. Anyway, just a thought, It isn't the most ethical idea, but it is an idea.
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I agree. If my neighbor really cared about her dogs, she wouldn't let them loose where they can get hit by cars, or be shot or taken to an animal shelter. I would never dream of letting my dogs loose like my neighbor does...
Most cities, towns & counties have leash laws & this lady is obviously breaking it, that's why I mentioned contacting law enforcement & animal control, they will contact her & ADVISE her that she IS in violation & could lose her dogs plus have a nice fine, if the dogs ARE confiscated, she will have to pay to get them out of "doggie jail. Don't wait until spring, act NOW, this has been going on way too long. This lady needs a wake up call & to be made accountable for her actions, before her animals hurt someone or someone's pet.

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