Worried first timer


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
Hello, I'm a little worried. We bought two chickens this weekend and when we got them home we noticed one had a bald patch around the vent and underneath. This seems to be red and chapped in places. She is also sneezing a few times a day and has a slightly crusty nostril. Also every so often she stumbles. However she is very alert, still laying eggs and always hungry and eating. Could this be caused by the stress of rehoming? We have put lice and mite powder in bedding as she prefers to sit in nesting boxes. She is being fed grit, layers pellets and pellets recomended by breeder. The other hen is fine and they both came from same pen. Help me please Lucy
Lucy, you really need to separate this bird until she's well...whatever she has, she will most likely eventually give to the other one, and you don't want them BOTH sick. I use a plastic dog crate for this.

Does her poop look normal? How old is she, and what breed?
For her crusty nose and sneezing, If you have access to VetRx for poultry, I would give her 3 drops in her beak, once per day for 3 days. You can also put it on her comb, wattles, under her wings, and by her nares if she sounds congested. It is like vicks vapor rub, but a natural treatment.

I'm not sure about the red and chapped skin by her vent, unless something she was coming in contact with irritated her. Is her poo normal or runny?

My hens have bare spots by their vents, and they are healthy, so I don't think you need to worry about that.

Good luck on your little girl and I will be following to see what other advise is given.
When we got her she had an upset tummy but now her poo looks fine and normal. We think she is a welsummer but the breeder didn't let us know ( wish we'd been more demanding). She is very nervous. She is twenty four weeks apparently!
She's young, so hopefully she'll be strong enough to pull through. DEFINITELY separate her from the other, though, until she's feeling better.
Thanks for all your help and advice. She is a really happy chicken now, chattering away whenever we are near and calling for us when we're not! She is still featherless but not worried. However the other hen has now stopped laying and seems to go to bed two hours early, she used to lay every other day but it has been eight days. Her comb also looks pale but she is eating and drinking.
Check for parasites; mites, ticks, or fleas can cause stop in laying and pale comb. Good luck!

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