Worst Gender Luck ever?


Jun 1, 2022
I believe I may have the worst luck as far as gender goes... We received 6 baby chicks that were 5 days old upon delivery. They had been feather sexed and thought to be 3 and 3. We lost one of the suspected pullets at 4 weeks old. We were gifted what I was told was definitely a pullet, and was also a week older than my flock... Now, they are 8-9 weeks old, and I believe I have 5 cockerels and 1 poor little pullet... Here they are...
1- Cuckoo Maran
2- Black Copper Maran
3- Orpington (???)
4- Astrolorpe (????)
5- Barred Rock
6- Barred Rock
Pretty sure #6 is my only pullet?! What do you think?


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Everyone except 6 is a for sure definite cock, but I’d put my money on six being a roo as well. So sorry about your luck!!!!!! You can sell rosters tho, it’s not unreasonable to price em at 20.00 if people will pay for them once they’re grown. They can be butchered, or used for chicks, or whatever. Best of luck!!!!! 😕👍
We received 6 baby chicks that were 5 days old upon delivery. They had been feather sexed and thought to be 3 and 3.
Feather sexing does not work on most breeds of chickens.

If they were sexed at a hatchery, they were probably vent sexed instead (usually accurate, when done by someone who knows what they are doing.)

If they were "feather sexed" by someone who read about it on the internet-- they were misinformed.

I agree that the first 5 are males. I cannot tell whether #6 is a pullet or a late-blooming cockerel.
Feather sexing does not work on most breeds of chickens.

If they were sexed at a hatchery, they were probably vent sexed instead (usually accurate, when done by someone who knows what they are doing.)

If they were "feather sexed" by someone who read about it on the internet-- they were misinformed.

I agree that the first 5 are males. I cannot tell whether #6 is a pullet or a late-blooming cockerel.
Yup... Feather sexed by a backyard breeder. 😜 I would put money on #6 being a pullet. She is smaller than the rest, almost no comb, no waddle, sits more forward, and has the smaller banding I've heard is typical for female Plymouths?
Everyone except 6 is a for sure definite cock, but I’d put my money on six being a roo as well. So sorry about your luck!!!!!! You can sell rosters tho, it’s not unreasonable to price em at 20.00 if people will pay for them once they’re grown. They can be butchered, or used for chicks, or whatever. Best of luck!!!!! 😕👍
I need hens... Hubby doesn't mind them becoming freezer chickens, but I need hens! 😞
I sympathize with you. I let a broody hatch out a clutch of eggs and ended up with ALL roos. :)
I sure hope we both have better luck going forward! I have 2 that are 3 weeks behind these (so 5 weeks old) 10 that are a week old and 9 eggs on day 2 of incubation.... 😜 I need a flock of 10 or more hens before the winter... I can have one rooster.... My neighbors said they will give permission for a singe roo. 😮‍💨
Yup... Feather sexed by a backyard breeder. 😜

I would put money on #6 being a pullet. She is smaller than the rest, almost no comb, no waddle, sits more forward, and has the smaller banding I've heard is typical for female Plymouths?
The darker color (less white/more black) is typical for female Barred Plymouth Rocks.
But it is also typical of cockerels who have one barred parent and one not-barred parent, like Black Sexlink males.
So depending on what breed the chick is, that color could go with either gender.

I agree that having small, pale comb and wattles are good signs of being a female, and I do hope "she" really is!

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