would a rabbit kill a chicken?

Are we talking a wild cotton tail, domestic or some kind of BIG jack rabbit..? Or all of the above.....wow....would never think a rabbit would do in a chicken....silly wabbit
I've seen rabbits and chickens fight violently. Having them loose together was basically forbidden in my family because of how quickly things could go wrong in a normally peaceful yard. One of my family members had a huge rabbit that would even take on large dogs.

In disbelief a friend sent me a video link to u-tube of a small fight between rabbits and chickens and said they'd never heard of such a thing. But it happens.

It could be a possibility that your rabbit only investigated around her afterwards.

I'm so sorry about your hen.
Many years ago, we put a puppy into the same pen with a rabbit, just cause it was so awwwwe Cuuuuute..... The rabbit attacked the puppy with it's hind feet. Jumping up in the air with a little two foot karate kick several times before we could react and remove the puppy....
Wow! Thanks for all the replies!
well our rabbit is about 12 weeks old and is an English spot. Yes, it is kept in the same pen as the chickens. Really also wondering if our other hens could have done this to the new hen that entered our coop 1 week prior? I know we will never know for sure, but would really like to know how to prevent this from happening in the future...
My house rabbit killed the neighbors cat a few years back. The cat was stalking the rabbit while it was playing in the backyard. I can say that the cat will never make that mistake again. Can you imagine...explaining to your neighbor that your rabbit killed their cat....
Yeah, bunnies can get violent, I suppose that is how they stay alive. I've had to put Vivianna away when she got too in your face with our kitties and wouldn't leave them alone. Getting her spayed really helped out with her naughty behavior (with the kitties, peeing by the backdoor, wanting to be the boss of everyone, etc.). She is a lot more docile and cuddly now (and pees only in her litterboxes).
My bunny lives with my chickens all the time. He did beat up my big mean roo once but the roo tried to beat him up frist, he has never killed anything! I hope it wasn't your bunny who killed your hen.

A chicken can break its own neck without any assistance from any rabbit they can do it by flying into just about any hard surface.

Now the last I knew a chicken wing was an entirely different matter.

What can take place is frequently not what actually took place.

A chicken can just simply drop dead no external forces needed.

Did the OP open the chicken up?

Yes, I know a lot of folks on here would have problems doing that.

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