Would feeding peanuts cause allergen contamination to eggs?


The Cake Queen
10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
Northern NY/Southern QC
I recently gave my flock some treats containing peanuts. My friend asked me if she could get some eggs, which wouldn't be a problem, but her son is peanut allergic. Is contamination possible? Likely?

This feels like the dumbest question EVER.
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Very unlikely. I think peanut allergies is due to peanut proteins, which would all be broken down and incorporated as dissassembled amino acids into the bird. The egg itself should only be made of chicken egg proteins.
You know its probably not a problem, but it's not worth taking the chance. Not a dumb question at all since food allergies can be so dangerous. I would NOT sell or give her any of the eggs.
That's my plan for now. I've stopped giving that particular treat, and will wait a while to give her eggs. I only asked because...when we treat with antibiotics, we don't eat the eggs due to the potential for the antibiotic to be in the eggs...I just wondered if this was the same.
I have this same question. I found out that my neighbor gave my girls some nuts and my son is allergic. They have yet to lay, but if they ever do, I would need to know.
First, all allergies can be so specific to the individual that I'm not sure we can come up with a specific answer. That said, my daughter does have a mild to moderate peanut allergy. Enough for me to carry an epipen, but her episodes thus far have not required it. She has been seen by an allergist and had the allergy confirmed, but it's not as huge for us as it is for some.

I do not intentionally feed our chickies peanuts. But, their coop and half yard that is theirs to roam is below a pair of window bird feeders I have suctioned to my dining room window. One is a suet feeder that is normally stocked with a peanut suet. The other is a seed feeder that contains sunflower, peanut, and millet. I am sure my chooks get an occasional dropped peanut or suet chunk. My daughter has not had an issue with the eggs we get and we have made the choice to continue the feeders for the enjoyment of it.

I do not think it was a dumb question--anyone who has a child with an allergy like this knows how complicated it can be. In this case, I would consider the eggs to be safe after a week, but that's me. If she has the info, your friend can make her decision according to her comfort level. I do not believe the allergenic protein would persist in the chicken past a digestive cycle, as it can be processed out--peanut oil is actually non allergenic.
I am glad you asked this question. My daughter is currently conducting an FFA Agriscience Fair experiment in which we have added roasted peanuts in our hens' daily feed to see if the size & weight of the eggs will increase. And your question was one that had crossed our mind too so I was digging around online about it when I came across your question.
(PS - yes, so far the eggs have increased in weight since the introduction of the peanuts).

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