would like opinion on breed & gender


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 15, 2009
Port St. John,Florida
I don't know the breed or gender of this chicken

is this a barred? Hen or roo?


I know this is a roo, but don't know what breed Purple Haze!

last but not least, my gimp she/he was like this when I got it

any help would be greatful...these were "colored Easter chicks" that my friend could not sell at Easter
1. Buff Orpington cross (with a feather-leg of some sort). Pullet
2. I'm going to say Barred Plymouth Rock. But it's a pullet by looking at the lack of red from the face.
3. Leghorn cockerel
4. Broiler/ Cornish Cross/ Meat Bird/ Cornish X/ Cornish Rock (you get the picture right? LOL)
I think you nailed it!

Giddyupgirl, do some research on Cornish X's and their required care. They typically don't live very long, being designed to grow as fast as they do. I would recommend enjoying a chicken dinner shortly.
I am greatful for the responses...as far as the cornish...my daughters would die a horrible death if I served then the gimp one fer dinner...OMG..
can't she just live and lay eggs? well I guess I am gonna have to do more research! Thank you all again
Im thinking that your first picture is of a Cochin/BO mix pullet because she looks alot like my red cochin pullet reba except a little lighter and reba has some black in her tail? but the head looks more BO like,
barred rock pullet
leghorn roo
and the last one ? I don't know but looks like a meat bird.
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How old is she? She'll probably kick the bucket around 4 months old, give or take. Although mine lived a year, but I was lucky, she never laid eggs though because she was probably too fat.

You have to cook her.
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If your daughter is really against the idea of eating the #4 chicken, you could always give her away on Craigslist (or to me
). You could also process her and put her in your freezer to eat after your daughter forgot about her.

Good luck!!
My very first chickens were Cornish Crosses. I didn't know you couldn't keep them. I could of never eaten mine, and I would of been so sad to see them die or break their legs. But I didnit want to get rid of them either. Well they turned out to be roosters, and by golly they were the sweetest little chicks until they turned 6 months old and learned how to bite. Then I was glad to sell them at the fair.

I would suggest selling them, thats what I did. You don't have to feel as guilty if your not the one who eats them.
Well I had a chat w/ my friend out at our horse barn, and I am going to take the cornish cross back there, they can do what they want with it and I'm just going to get another bird from there! Golly they have a whole heap of 'em!! It will definetly have to be a pullet/hen. I cxan only have one roo with my small flock correct??
I am REALLY sorry to post on your topic, please forgive me!!! However, I can't figure out how to start a new post. Can someone advise. Again, I'm really sorry about this.

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