Would you leave your coop open at night?

We close ours after the girls have gone to bed. Did miss once because when I went out to check they weren't all in so I came back in planning on going again in half an hour or so...and fell asleep :( Fortunately no harm came to them. Ours is secure however, it's wired all the way around...coop and run, and we don't have too many predators where we live...mostly hawks. Chances are slim that leaving the coop open overnight but...why take even a slim chance?
We mostly lock them behind a steel door. On hot days, we will leave the coop door open into the run.

Our run has welded wire and hardware cloth and it's pretty darn safe. People can get inside, but that's about it. We buried the wire 20" deep in the ground. In the winter we cover the wire with thick plastic and use the run all year.


We started off with this and I wasn't happy. Weasels could get in at night.

Our coop is a room built inside our garage.:).
Nope, I commute between the Sierras and San Francisco-- and have run into coyotes in middle of GoldenGate Park while out walking my dogs with my daughter in the middle of the Day
I have ran into a lot of strange beings in Golden Gate Park and some of them have 2 feet!
LOCK UP for sure! If you care about your hens, definitely lock them up,,don't want to take the chance!!

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