Would you please say a prayer for me?


11 Years
Oct 24, 2008
The South
I have had my job for a year now and I love it ....it's easy, not real stressful most of the time, my bosses are very nice to me, don't mind if I get on the internet, use their fax machine, take personal calls.....and by no means do I take advantage of their kindness.... With all that said I am by myself most of the time and I mostly just wait for the phone to ring ( that's why I'm mostly on here during the day
). I am of course a Christian and my bosses (2) one says he is...but ( I don't judge em' ) and one openly is very sceptical ( again..I don't judge em' ) but I do pray for them ( they were not raised in church but did attend Christian schools for the education, one told me). I have nothing in common with anyone at my current job, by myself, never know what time I may get off (sometime between 1 and 5) I was told I HAVE to stay here when no one is here( I make their deposits and go to the PO for them, as well as all other errands) so I always make sure I bring drinks and food b/c no breaks for myself. Anyway....There may be an opening coming up soon at our local library and I absoluty LOVE all the ladies there. My son and I have been going to the library for 10 years now, the ladies there are my only egg customers cause well they want them all, and even have a waiting list on my eggs
My pastors wife works there, my DH's cousin works there, and many of our church family visit the library frequently as well. I absoluty adore my DH's family as well as our church family. I have so much in common with the ladies at the library and they said they most definatly would refer me to their boss, all the women there are Christians and even some of the male workers are pastors themselves. That job would be such a blessing for me and my family. I would be paid more on the hour but would only have 2-3 days a week to work, which time wise is great, but money we would really be clinchin' pennies. but it is only part time until a full time position becomes open and my DH's cousin said 2 ladies are due to retire in two years, and if I can get full time , me and my family can have health and dental insurance (something we currently do not have and my current job will never offer). So I am willing to clinch pennies and find other ways to make an extra buck here and there until I could get full time. Sorry it is so long but I would really appreciate it if y'all would send up a prayer for me, this job it would be such a blessing.

edited for spelling.
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Prayer said. You KNOW that when God closes one door He opens three more. But sometimes that door stays closed for a bit before the others are opened. Stay faithful. I prayer for the Lord to show you the right choice.
Sending you many prayers, good thoughts and well wishes my friend. Look at how much joy is in your post....talking about this potential job!

Save those pennies and enjoy the happiness and joy that will become yours... you can do it!


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