Would you Rather....

Moldy bread, i can pick out as much mold as possible and hey, the mold is a plant after all.
Would you rather eat your pet, or a family member
l'm not even going to try to figure this out!(P.S. just a warning, l've got to get to bed(or else this:caf, it's ten here and l have school in the morning, so goodnight!:th)
It depends on the sibling and their mood, but most likely my sibling, they won't hurt my fist as much. Even if they hurt me after.
Would you rather not have a computer, or have an ancient sluggish computer.
I've tried punching my sister in the face and I hit the wall instead but I have bad aim and I busted my knuckles

A sluggish computer
Would you rather ride a unsafe rollercoaster or be thrown at of a car going pretty fast
Eiffel Tower, you never said how high up l had to be, and if l jumped from the top, and break my fall by grabbing onto the tower as l go, then l will reach the bottom safely.
Would you rather have a pet stallion, or a pet bull.

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