wounded hen


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 2, 2014
cental pa
Got a hen that was grabbed by a roo on the back of the neck not bleeding now but feathers all red should I separate from flock they don't seem to be picking on her but she is very skittish
Got a hen that was grabbed by a roo on the back of the neck not bleeding now but feathers all red should I separate from flock they don't seem to be picking on her but she is very skittish
? maybe you should separate the roo?

Spray the neck with blue kote wound spray. If you won't separate him, I would separate her.
Will ck in am on roost now prob is got 5 roos and 21 hens first time owning chickens 2 of roos have grabbed at hens since day one and one has been trying to breed the last week or so they are almost 17 weeks possibly to many roos?
Yes, the roosters will get older and try to kill eachother. With your hen, put a piece of duct tape over the bald spot. It will eventually fall off and you can decide whether you want to put a new one on.
Will ck in am on roost now prob is got 5 roos and 21 hens first time owning chickens 2 of roos have grabbed at hens since day one and one has been trying to breed the last week or so they are almost 17 weeks possibly to many roos?

25 % roo/hen ratio is way too high, 1 rooster for every 10 hens or more is consider ideal.. more roosters is trouble. I think you need to protect the girls from the bully's!!

Do you think removing 2 roos would be better am going to separate into 3 different flocks breed specific would be 8 to 1 would remove the mean ones thanks for the help!!
This is what I did with my first few hatches. I let the roos decide who gets to go. The troublemakers and mean ones eliminated themselves first, LOL. I ended up with 2 Polish roos who lived very happy together and 2 silkie roos who lived happy together with 1 hen.

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