Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Hahaha- nope no eggs yet, but she's a fighter ill tell you... Still alive and clucking at me for food lol. She's been loving the sunshine and actually lays on her side soaking it up.. She still needs to straighten that neck!!! If she can d that we will be no our way to recover. But it just stays the same day after day after day :(
I've just started her back on vit e, so hopefully my girl can right this crook neck and get back to the other girls for spring... Come on Licorice you can do it!!!!!

It's been so long now I've lost count lol
Wow- she is soooo cute!!!! Did you hatch her Lori? Show girls are very pretty. Is she your only 1?
She is not my only one, I have a Paint Showgirl Rooster that I just adore to death.. He's got some frost in him really pretty and no I didn't hatch this little one actually my Splash did. I was trying to build up more paints and showgirls from my paint coop, my Splashes went broody and the paints did not so I grabbed a few eggs from them and gave it to my Splash and BOOOM a little showgirl surprise. LOL.. She is SOOO DARN FAST, sweetest thing. LOL and SOOOO tiny. She's the smallest chick ever, she's about 1 1/2 month old and she's the same size as some of my other chicks that are only a week old. LOL... I hope she stays small because that makes her more special..

BUSY, OMG, she is soo busy, I watch her and the Splash mommy will constantly cluck at her, she runs off going back and forth between the Paint coop and the Splash coop. Of course, these two coops are right next to each other but just to give you an idea on how small she is, she goes back and forth between coop by going THREW the chicken wire. LOL.. Neither one of the mommies or roosters in either coop the paint or splash coop seems to mind her being there.
My showgirls stay very petite. They are bitty things. Some go through a failure to thrive period in which you have to keep a very close eye on them.

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