Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Ok- I fed her tonight & the crop only had a little in it from this morning though. I massaged I well. She didn't like it at all lol.
While feeding her tonight she moved her head FORWARD!!! Wow!! Omg!! I couldn't believe it. It was bloody forward/ facing the RIGHT way... When I put her in ground though she pulled it back and to the side. But wow- I know she cando this! Here's a pic of her with re head forward, while eating. She even flicked re head straight up whie eating. Usually she flicks it to the side. But tonight straight UP!!!


So excited!!! You can see in the pics above the tuff if feathers that have moved to the side ( right side of pic) if she continues to hold her head forward :) will the feathers eventually move back around to where they should be???
Hi I'm so happy for you! Yes I'd think they will move back where they belong . is she holding her head up at all times now?my silkie with wry neck is a black silkie too! They could be twins! I started my predinsone today. Wondering what tomorrow brings hopefully it will be good!
No, she is still holding it on her wing at the side.. The crook in her neck is like a big hook so if she doesn't straighten it it kinda just stays hooked- if that makes sense.
When she sits in my lap she hold it different. It's like her neck is shorter because its held down into the base if her body. Sorry I'm not explaining this very well.
You know when their head is in sitting position the neck kinda goes into body making neck look shorter. This is when she holds it forward. But standing its just a big hook..
I'm hopeful she will get the strength back to hold it normally. I can feel her tense her neck when she is on me :(
I think that's why it's still crook. As she has a lot if tension in it :(
Yes that makes since Milly has that hook too.Milly looks exactly like your silkie! They could be twins! How old is yours again?I sure hope both our birds recover and we can put this wry neck expirence behind us! Gave Milly her second predinsone today. She takes the pills pretty well considering... Hope all is good with you.
Hi Lori & Lynette, well good news- her crop is emptying again. Thanks Lori for the advice. No more change really, she is still eating exceptionally well, walking around in circles and does hold her neck straight while sitting in my lap. But continues to pull it backwards so her beak tucks into her chest. When ever I touch that crook I can feel her tense it and hold it tight.... I've been massaging EVERY single feed for weeks now. Ill just pray she continues to eat well and slowly improve..
She is getting a lot of new feathers, poor pet, so I'm thinking this moulting would be taking up some of her energy etc... I can't get any prednisone- so was thinking of trying a anti inflammatory pill .. What do you think? I have some called Feldene - and was thinking of trying it with her?? Can't hurt I don't think...
OMG LOOK AT ALL THE EXCITEMENT I MISSED. LOL So she put her head FORWARD. OMG, did I predict that??? SCARY... and did you trip over you feet trying to get on the computer to tell us???

IF she does it once, she will do it twice and so on and so on. Remember she is a SLOW recovering chicken. She does NOT like to be rush not for you, me or that lovely rooster that's been calling for her.. LOL

Give her time, she's getting it. HAHAHAHA I CAN"T BELEIVE HER.....
I've missed you!!!!!!
And yes, you did miss some excitement :) she hasn't really done it it since lol, and when she did do it I could still feel that bump in her neck!!! Will that bump go away?? Poor little thing, she has battled for so long.. But doesn't look even close to giving up :) what a fighter she is hey :) she still only walks in circles & can't stretch her neck to the ground to peak :( will this come later?? Her neck is FULL of tension. I can feel it tighten when she pulls it back into her body..
I've been giving her fish oil too now, for the last week... She stands and clucks really well lol.... And yes your right, sh isn't in a rush to improve in a hurry. But I guess small steps are better than no steps :)

I have missed you Lori, and couldn't wait to tell you this good news!!! I did RUN to type it LOL... Oh and her crop is back to normal. Week 8 here we come xxxxx
That is soo cool to hear, LOL, Been a little bit busy lately, can't get on for to long during the day because of work. I try to get on at night but sometimes it doesn't always work out that way.

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