Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Well I've missed you xx
So thank you for coming back

No more changes in my girl ATM, she's still eating well and standing, so I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
Miss you too, LOL, how she coming along?
No more change Lori :(
She seems really unco ordinated. I tried holding food away from her face a little & she had no idea how to reach it. She stretched up and puffed out her crop and when she did attemp to peak at it she missed :(
But she is still alive which is pretty amazing in itself.. She eats well and walks around in circles. I have felt her neck 100 times and it still has the bulge half way up. I also noticed today that the base of her neck is kinda leaning to the right. Which is the way she holds it... I'm loosing hope now but will still continue to feed her. It's week 8 this week so omg shes a fighter.. Please write soon as I value your advise and your opinion
No more change Lori

She seems really unco ordinated. I tried holding food away from her face a little & she had no idea how to reach it. She stretched up and puffed out her crop and when she did attemp to peak at it she missed

But she is still alive which is pretty amazing in itself.. She eats well and walks around in circles. I have felt her neck 100 times and it still has the bulge half way up. I also noticed today that the base of her neck is kinda leaning to the right. Which is the way she holds it... I'm loosing hope now but will still continue to feed her. It's week 8 this week so omg shes a fighter.. Please write soon as I value your advise and your opinion
OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU DON"T, you have a chicken that has been sick for 8 weeks and NOW!! you want to lose HOPE?? OH HELL NO... You Can not do this to ME or HER. She has been trying and trying and trying and your just going to GIVE UP. LISTEN WOMEN, you can't do that to her. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT TO HER.

NOW, I told you before she is a very slow recovering hen, you have to give her time. Since she has lasted this long, WHICH is amazing in it's self, it may take another 2 or 3 months before she snaps. What I want to know is how is her weight? is she gaining any weight. The lost of weight is what I'm more concerned about over her missing the bowl while trying to peck to eat. Its very hard for a chicken to get that weight back once they loose it exspecially since she has been sick for so long.

You have to worry about things shutting down. We don't want her to shut down. So give me a weight status.. PLEASE!!!

Let's put another hoax on her: Ok how's this one, you give her some food in the morning and one hour later everything in her bowl that you gave her is gone. She curled up in the corner, your worried this is the end, but she turns her head and says "durrr durrr durrrrrrr". So you give fill up her bowl again but you left the cage door opened while going to get more, when you hear "cluck cluck cluck CLUCK" really loud you look to see what is wrong. BOOOM SHE LAYS AN EGG...

Now don't have a heartattack when she does this trying to get to the computer to tell me. LOL
Please don't give up hope! Some days Milly is so bad falling asleep during feedings and other days she holds up her head! It just takes time. Remember tomorrow is a new day.look for little improvements like Milly took two steps forward today!its baby steps but its improvement! She still walk's mostly backwards. But its improvement! Don't loose hope! Please! Someday we can both put this behind us when they heal! I wish you the best and pray things will improve for licorice and Milly. Hang in there! Your not alone! I know exactly what your. Going through! God bless you my friend! Hugs
Debbie I'm worried about you too! Please talk to me! How's licorice doing? Milly had her first day of walking forward and holding up her head! Praise God! She still has.a hump in her neck but she scratched and pecked the ground and fed herself! I am so greatful for her progress! I just pray it continues! She had been through so much! I miss you and hope you pm me. remember we are here for each other! Please update on licorice! Thanks
I have a chicken named Speckles.. Sounds a lot like what happen to her. we have a wire cage that i put her in. She layed down, to help her neck i used 2 sticks to help her hold her head some what out and up. I hand fed her cat food (hard food let sit in water, to make it mushy.) and some of her normal food for about a week or two. After about a week i started taking her out side to get some sun each day. Then placed her back in the cage, her head on the sitcks. It seamed to help. After two or three weeks she was walking just like a normal chicken. (this was when I first got chickens, so I thought it was a broken neck and studied their bones to try to help heal her..) Still not sure what it was but she is perfect now even has chicks.

So.. Maybe if you help her hold her head up it will help?
Wow, thanks for the support guys :) appreciate it soo much.. And no I haven't given up ok, I was just saying that after 8 weeks I'm not overly confident she will improve any further. You said Lori it could take another 2-3 months. If there is a possibilyt she can still recover ill lift my attitude lol.. But everything I've read has said they can stay this way forever after such a long time being ill.. Your positive ness is the first I've heard there is still hope... So THANKYOU!!!
She is eating like a trooper BUT I've been noticing her wing is covered in food each morning this last week :( and its NOT from me feeding her as. Wipe her clean after each meal.. Today I noticed as A LOT of food on her wing and I think she is vomiting it back up :( why would this be happening???? I'm really worried again.. Should I feed her less per meal?? About her weight, I weighed her last fortnight and she was 666grams- last week she was 726 grams . Since this vomiting I haven't weighed her but she doesn't feel as though she is gaining to me :( Lori you as it's hard to put weight back on them, why would this be so?? She honestly has an awesome appetite but still can't eat without me feeding her.. She stands and is AWAKE for the whole feed until she is full then she falls asleep.. During the day she is mostly AWAKE and although isn't in a coop she is able to walk around in her cage. She still only walks in circles and flicks her neck that won't budge lol... She clucks a lot and hears things around her.. She's actually getting harder to feed because she tries to stretch up and puffs her crop out trying to position herself to eat from the bowel. It can take a few minutes for me to get her in a position to feed her. Then with each peak at the food she pushes up with her feet ( legs) like she's trying t propel herself forward to reach th food. It's all very awkward, but I guess it's a positive step considering she used to just sit 100% of the time... Still don't put food in her cage as she will ti it over. Besides she is still eying sloshy mush which. Can't leave in with her... I have NOT given up!!! And. Won't!!! Just wish there was more I formation, explains how long this can take & what to expect.
Please let me know what you think about the vomiting and ill weigh her and let you know her weight ( Lori)

Talk soon Love Deb xx
Hi Debbie I'm going to ask Alan some questions in the behalf of licorice and maybe he can help? He's helped so much with Milly it sure wouldn't hurt to try!HeHe's on a trip right now but when he returns I will email him. It seems he is what I'd call an expert on silkies with wry neck. Perhaps he has some answers? I'll continue to pray hard for licorice! Your in my thoughts ! Hugs to you!
I have a chicken named Speckles.. Sounds a lot like what happen to her. we have a wire cage that i put her in. She layed down, to help her neck i used 2 sticks to help her hold her head some what out and up. I hand fed her cat food (hard food let sit in water, to make it mushy.) and some of her normal food for about a week or two. After about a week i started taking her out side to get some sun each day. Then placed her back in the cage, her head on the sitcks. It seamed to help. After two or three weeks she was walking just like a normal chicken. (this was when I first got chickens, so I thought it was a broken neck and studied their bones to try to help heal her..) Still not sure what it was but she is perfect now even has chicks.

So.. Maybe if you help her hold her head up it will help?
Cat food is very high in protein, which is good for her, interesting idea on the sticks....

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