Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Hi Debbie I'm going to ask Alan some questions in the behalf of licorice and maybe he can help? He's helped so much with Milly it sure wouldn't hurt to try!HeHe's on a trip right now but when he returns I will email him. It seems he is what I'd call an expert on silkies with wry neck. Perhaps he has some answers? I'll continue to pray hard for licorice! Your in my thoughts ! Hugs to you!
Something you need to understand, we are not dealing with wry neck here.
Lori, so you still think its NOT wry neck??? What is then. You didn't comment on the vomiting or bringing up this froth?? I will fed her smaller amounts until you answer. Ill weigh her today as well. You said it's hard to put their weight back on? Why is this?? If my girl doesn't have wry neck why is her neck sooo twisted :( your advise please xxxx
Lori, so you still think its NOT wry neck??? What is then. You didn't comment on the vomiting or bringing up this froth?? I will fed her smaller amounts until you answer. Ill weigh her today as well. You said it's hard to put their weight back on? Why is this?? If my girl doesn't have wry neck why is her neck sooo twisted
your advise please xxxx
No, I don't think we are dealing with wry neck. At first yeh but now I have my doubts..

First vomiting, chickens do not vomit. LOL. Make sure that Crop is empting each morning, it needs to be COMPLETELY empty. does it smell? is there a smell to what is coming up? Does it come up all the time or when does it come up?

it's hard for chickens to gain weight once they have lost it from being sick because there digestive system slows down. And until they have fully recovered, it takes that a while for them to gain it all back. That is why I want you to keep weighing her, the slow weight gain will tell us that she is making slow come backs.. Slowly improving.. Possibly on the road to fully recovering..

One most important with your hen is to make sure she still eats and drinks and continues to poop. Because it's been so long, like I have said before, her system could start shutting down. that's my BIGGEST fear right now with her. So Please make sure she continues to eat.

I think we should try giving her something for the neck. She needs something for anti-flammitory. Do you have any Bayer Baby Asprin? Have you tried Bayer Baby Asprin? if not lets try some on her, give her 1 Bayer Baby asprin per day..

let me know where she's at. Thanks..
Ok Lori- I only noticed she was bringing up her food beginning of this week, as her wing was covered in food when I went to feed her.. BUT while feeding her twice now she has had froth come out while eating?? I gave her crop a good massage and haven't been feeding her as much per sitting. She is still eating well and yes pooing,, that's still quiet watery though :( some are firmer but not every one.. I haven noticed a smell with the frothy stuff she brings up. I weighed her though & she's gone backwards :( she was 635grams last night. I feel helpless.
You suggested to get Bayrtil baby aspirin which I got the equivalent today. ( my pharmacist must think I'm crazy now lol) but what I got comes in 100mg & Bayrtil is 81g so how much should I give? ( we can't get Bayrtil baby aspirin here in Australia ) also I had been giving her Metacam for a few weeks and I have none left now.. So she has been given anti flammatry meds... Ill try with this new aspirin but I'm more worried about this food not staying down and her weight loss... Ad yes her crop is completely empty of a morning... Not always empty after her lunch feed at dinner time so I think her crop isn't working properly... Poor girl she has been trying so hard to beat this.. Advice please on the aspirin, weight & crop..
Thanks Lori xxx
Ok Lori- I only noticed she was bringing up her food beginning of this week, as her wing was covered in food when I went to feed her.. BUT while feeding her twice now she has had froth come out while eating?? I gave her crop a good massage and haven't been feeding her as much per sitting. She is still eating well and yes pooing,, that's still quiet watery though
some are firmer but not every one.. I haven noticed a smell with the frothy stuff she brings up. I weighed her though & she's gone backwards
she was 635grams last night. I feel helpless.
You suggested to get Bayrtil baby aspirin which I got the equivalent today. ( my pharmacist must think I'm crazy now lol) but what I got comes in 100mg & Bayrtil is 81g so how much should I give? ( we can't get Bayrtil baby aspirin here in Australia ) also I had been giving her Metacam for a few weeks and I have none left now.. So she has been given anti flammatry meds... Ill try with this new aspirin but I'm more worried about this food not staying down and her weight loss... Ad yes her crop is completely empty of a morning... Not always empty after her lunch feed at dinner time so I think her crop isn't working properly... Poor girl she has been trying so hard to beat this.. Advice please on the aspirin, weight & crop..
Thanks Lori xxx
You only need to worry about the crop emptying in the morning, not at lunch time or dinner time. CRAP, I didn't want to hear that she was losing weight. DANG IT. Give her one bayer each day.

Is the food coming up every day?
Well she was eating about 4 dessert spoons full!! And ate the lot ( little pig) but like I said this week it's coming out as fast as it goes in. So I'm only feeding her about half that amount now. Todays feeds haven't come up- so that's good. I also gave her some garlic last night ( read that somewhere) and im not feeding her as much per feed. Poor thing acts like she hasn't eaten in a week when she see's each meal. She hasn't lost any energy and her behaviour hasn't changed. Nt sleeping all the time like before and s awake r the entire meal. ( when she was eating a lot she would fall asleep at the end of meal once she was full)
She still walks around in circles and is pooing on q after each meal.. I put her on grass after every meal for about 10 minutes. She poos, walks around and fights with her neck every time...poor girl.. Welli hope I've given you into that helps.. Oh oh I keep or getting o mention that when I feed her, especially when she is drinking water, her neck makes a strange noise.. It's like a farting noise coming from her neck? Have you ever heard this before. I can feel the vein or what ever it is going down the side of her neck. I can HEAR & FEEL the liquid as is travels down.. Very odd..!!!!Should I be worried!!!
She is also still growing new feathers all over. So I'm guessing this would be taking some of her nutrients etc and energy..
She doesn't look as though she is getting any worse, well her appearance is quiet alert. Ill keep feeding her smaller amounts. Oh after each feed she does constantly open and close beak like she is tasting fod in her beak. I've only just noticed her song this this week. I'm hinting maybe the fod is trying to come back up and she is constantly swallowing?????? But I'm only guessing..

Thank you Lori- really can't ever thank you enough, no matter how this turns out..
Love Deb xxxx

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