Wry neck in newly hatched chick... thoughts on putting down.


Animal Lover Supreme
10 Years
Apr 27, 2009
Beaumont, Texas
I had a chick hatch with wry neck. I got the vitamins... but got the wrong kind with iron. The chick looks awful and is sort of opening its mouth and taking deep breaths. Sort of like panting... but slow.

The only poly-vi-sol they had was with iron. I am trying to decide whether or not to go and get the right kind or to put him out of his misery. He looks like he feels bad to me and I don't want to save him for my own selfish reasons (not wanting to put an animal down because I would be sad). I did that to a lamb once and I swore I would never do it again. I learned with the lamb that it was selfish of me to do everything I could to save her when there was no hope. She suffered needlessly. I may have already kept this chick alive longer than I should have.

My husband is a farmer and to him it is not such a huge deal. He doesn't like it, but he has seen it his entire life. I couldn't even butcher one of my chickens to eat, but he grew up on food that they raised themself. I guess that is the difference between a city girl and a country boy.

Has anyone had a chick born with wry neck who survived?

I have another chick who toes curl in and he is unable to walk with his toes flat. He gets around ok, but I don't know about the future. I have the same debate about him. Do I let him live a life being bullied and walking on bad feet? Or do I put him down.

Any thoughts??
My friend did in town, it was a silkie and she gave it the vitamin E with selenium.. yes, it did survive, in fact, I think it straightened up! I don't know the dosage.. I will email her if you need.

There is a thread here somewhere about making the lil boot with a bandaid.. Like a flat shoe for the one with the crooked toes.
Oh wow... Let me look that up. what would be the key word do you think? I would love to know what your friend did with the wry neck.
This is what I did for mine. Bandaid and scotch tape. It only stayed on for about 3 hours...but long enough to straighten the toes out. Mine was less than 12 hours old, so with your chick being older ~ you may have to leave it on for a few days. I trimmed it down to size after the pic was taken.

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Ok got it.
This is a copy and paste, so it was advise given to me about curled toes on my chick.

well you need to use some of DCTownsends chick feet helpers

By D.C. Townsend

These treatments have been tested and proven effective. I developed them for peafowl but they
may be used for any poultry. The key to success is to begin treatment promptly. In some cases delay
will kill or cripple the chick.

Not Actual Size
Not Actual Size
In the 1995 hatch, I had a number of peachicks with a kink in the outer toe of one or both feet.
They were well past a week old when I decided that I must do something about it. I made HALF SHOES of black pipe cleaner. I tore off a quarter inch-wide stripe of duck tape several inches long and secured
the HALF SHOE to the middle and the outer toe. Several days of treatment were needed. Some of the
HALF SHOES came off and had to be taped on again, but all treated peachicks had straight toes at the
end of the treatment. There is a young peacock that I missed treating. Now it is too late and he will
always have a kink in his outer toe

When the Achilles tendon slips out of the groove on the hock joint, a peachick will not be able to
straighten its leg. The problem needs prompt attention because the struggling peachick will put
its weight on the hock joint which will damage the skin and cause swelling in the joint. The tendon
can be pushed back in place with just one finger or a very gentle squeeze between the thumb and index
finger. Sometimes just one treatment will give a complete cure that seems like a miracle. Other
times several treatments are needed. Stubborn cases require advanced treatment that is too difficult to
explain here. I treated both legs of a peachick for two weeks; She grew up to be a healthy peahen.

This problem can occur even if you take the precaution of having quarter inch hardware cloth
under your peachicks. Sometimes it is caused by the struggles of a chick with its toes rolled into
fists. In that case, both problems must be treated at the same time. I cut a piece of tape four or
five inches long and from the HOBBLE BRACE with the legs far enough apart so that the peachick can walk. The tape must go the whole way around and cover its sticky side so that it does not stick to the
peachick's fuzz when it sits down. Usually 24 hours of treatment is sufficient, but sometimes more is
required. CHICK SHOES and the HOBBLE BRACE can be used at the same time.
Thank you so much. This chick is a couple of weeks old... I bet its too late. His little feet are totally curled in. But it is worth a try!
yes...a "splint' can help with the curled toe..
but also the B vits..(Poly-vi-sol liquid baby vitamins..Enfamil brand if possible..no iron..)
give 3 drops on beak once a day for 2 days
then 2 drops for 5 days..
then taper off for another week..
Ok on another note,
I did not need to follow this advise. I just pumped up my chicks diet with electrolytes and vitamins in the water ( I use rooster booster, it has both)
and poly vi sol (without iron)
In a few days the chick seemed to bounce back from being very cripple.
He was always sitting, but was able to run around if he wanted to his feet and toes were just curling in. Kinda like if we started to walk on our ankle bone and were starting to go bow legged.
Anyway,it is usually a deficiency in vitamins and certain minerals that certain chicks lack in the beginning. But when they get them it bounces them right back.

Someone on here was asking about the post and I knew I had one on my post, so I posted it on yours, so the advise could be out here again.
Don't cull before their time, they have you to give them the extra support. It's just for a little while....and the payoff is so worth it when they peep and run to you.
Your a Good Mommy Hen!!!

Good Luck with your chickies!

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