WTB: Black, Blue, Splash, White Orpington hen chicks. please help!!!!


9 Years
May 20, 2010
I would like several of these chicks Black, Blue, Splash, White Orpington hen chicks.

price is almost not an option. I am willing to drive to indiana, ohio, kentucky. I will pay for shipping if you will do so. Please send estimate for zipcode 45120.

call 513-328-2664

if you don't have these, you know anyone who does?

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sell chicks from my black and white orps, but I can't sex day old chicks. I think you'll find most breeders do not sex chicks, as this takes a specially trained person that hatcheries use to do this service for them.
Will will start having some white orpington eggs in about 3weeks (we just got them and they were running with other roosters so wont sell or hatch any till I know there pure.) We can either set some eggs or ship some. Were in Mooresville, IN if you wanted to pick up.

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