Hello everyone!
Im looking for quite a few different breeds - hens or pullets only - standard sized. I would prefer some around 5 months or older, but full grown hens are alright too. No chicks please - Im not allowed to have anymore chicks for awhile
. Im only looking for one, or two at most of each breed. I only want calm and non-aggressive birds, that are healthy. I may trade a Blue Cochin pullet, 5 moths old.
Breeds I am looking for -
Polish (buff laced, tollbunt)
Appenzeller Spitzhauben
Cochin (silver laced, possibly others)
Brahma (buff)
Wyandotte (BLR)
Araucana (any)
Ameraucana (any)
Easter Egger (blue or green eggs ONLY)
Houdan (mottled)
Dorking (any)
Marans (NO cuckoo/gold)
Orpington (Any except buff)
Plymouth Rock (Not barred or white)
Sussex (Not speckled)
If you dont have these breeds, but know someone who does, I would highly appreciate it if you could steer me in their direction!
Im looking for quite a few different breeds - hens or pullets only - standard sized. I would prefer some around 5 months or older, but full grown hens are alright too. No chicks please - Im not allowed to have anymore chicks for awhile
Breeds I am looking for -
Polish (buff laced, tollbunt)
Appenzeller Spitzhauben
Cochin (silver laced, possibly others)
Brahma (buff)
Wyandotte (BLR)
Araucana (any)
Ameraucana (any)
Easter Egger (blue or green eggs ONLY)
Houdan (mottled)
Dorking (any)
Marans (NO cuckoo/gold)
Orpington (Any except buff)
Plymouth Rock (Not barred or white)
Sussex (Not speckled)
If you dont have these breeds, but know someone who does, I would highly appreciate it if you could steer me in their direction!