WTB: pink eggs!


13 Years
Dec 2, 2007
Williston, FL
I bought some EEs hoping for a range of colored eggs, and they all lay blue or green

I'd love to have a few hens that lay pretty pinkish eggs like some I've seen here on the forums. If anyone has any hatching eggs or birds for sale from a group that produces pink egg layers, I'd love to buy some. Not picky on breed, but not interested in bantams.

Get some barred rocks! they lay beautiful pinkish eggs and one of mine lays lavender eggs sometimes! once she layed a pink egg with blue/purple spots!
My barred rock lays brown eggs, but the silver laced wyandottes my dad used to have laid pinkish eggs. You are probably the first person I've seen that complained about getting EEs that laid only blue or green eggs!
Hi Nicole,

Wish I had ur problem...lol! I have two Ameraucanas...one is solid black and the other is blonde with white. The blonde one isn't laying yet, but should be any time. The solid black one is laying and she is laying the pinky/peachy eggs...I was hoping for the blue/green ones!!! I have a Silky mix that lays the pinky/peachy ones and a Red Star that lays the brown. I guess my last chance is on my blonde one.

I had heard that the color of their legs is a good indication of their egg color on the EEs. My black one has black legs and the blonde one has blue/gray/silvery legs. I know that the ear flaps are also an indication of egg color in other breeds.

If you were a little closer to me, we could trade...lol!
Okay, here's a little tip about "pink" eggs:

The only true pink color of egg is when you have a brown or dark brown egg with a thick blume (protective coating) over it to make it look pink, although when washing this off, it can disappear when wet. This trait can pop up randomly in nearly every brown and dark brown laying breed. Some people even consider a breed to lay light brown eggs as "pink eggs." This is why so many people respond about their "pink" egg layers.

So, if you're looking for a consistant "pink," go for light brown layers such as Wyandottes and Jersey Giants.

Otherwise, a good pink color can pop up anytime, especially in young pullets laying at the age of 5-11 months old.

Take for example, I've got a plum-purple egg and a light brown/fleshy tone egg on the bottom row of this carton:


The purple looking one is caused from having the blume on a dark egg layer - The result gives a nice lavender like shade that varies from pink to a good plum purple. It only pops up in about 1/15 dark egg laying hens though.
Thanks for the info on the pink eggs! I want something consistent so I'm looking into tinted/light brown egg layers. But maybe I'll get lucky and one of my marans will lay some plum eggs for me.

I do feel silly complaining about my blue and green laying EEs. Mine all look the same: partridgey with pea combs and green legs. I wish I could trade with you guys!
My only EE I got from a hatchery two years ago is the common, boring 'ol BBR color too. But she lays light brown eggs.

Honestly I wouldn't want a hatchery bred EE again. Especially from McMurray. 2 of my EE's had crooked toes, spraddled legs, terrible laying habits (too big, came out goo, or never laid at all) and 3 of mine died pretty early from general weakness.

My Olive Eggers I'll be selling in the spring, though, will give you a 10% chance of laying a plum colored egg like that though. One parent is an Araucana with a heavy blume on her eggs, the other is a Marans cockerel from lines that sometimes lay the heavy blume. So, in the 10% chance of having a single combed bird, you'll get one that lays plum or pink eggs.

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