WTB serama eggs....


10 Years
Jan 28, 2009
(south West) Virginia
I'm wanting to set an incubator around the end of march, first of April with nothing but serama eggs. Looking for anyone or a couple 3 anyones who might have some to help me out. I dont have any now and want to get into them. Let me know what ya got and how much shipping and all.... If you have pic's of your birds please post also.. Thanks
I have one out of 5 hens laying now, so I don't have nay Serama eggs yet. I have been squeezing the hens, but it has not been working!!
I should be able to help you out, unless they all go broody. I have at least 6 laying right now. I just need to check fertility.
I thought one of my serama's was going broody, hoping so, will check again tonight, if so, she can be my incubator, because I just put goose eggs in mine. I have hatched several batches of serama's this winter, the last set was in January, then I took a break and just started the bator back up. I am going to order another bator at the end of the month when my income tax comes in, hopefully it comes in sooner!
You're in LUCK! I was just going to post as I'm OVER-RUN w/eggs and ALL 3 BATORS are FULL!

I am charging the same amount I've been charging for 6+ Seramas: $15 plus s/h for about 2 lbs packed.

Right now, I have 4 Sizzle eggs (silkie/frizzle-black & blue)...now you MIGHT get silkie seramas as my black Silkie (Pudgie) has a little black Serama Roo that flies over to her side of the pen every day! He's a typey roo, too!

3 black breasted red oegb eggs and 9 (NINE!) Serama eggs. The eggs in this batch range from type A to type B and are all straight feathered.

Let me know asap, as I'm shipping out Marans tomorrow and really need to get these shipped at the same time.


Yep, my little black serama girl is broody, so I will candle her eggs in a week or so, and check fertility. Hopefully the others keep laying. I will add another box for them and mark the eggs currently in there so there are no mix ups.

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