WWYD re: feedback for shipped eggs?

Please remember that candling does NOT indicate fertility. Just because they don't develop doesn't mean they were not fertile. When you remove the ones that didn't grow, chill them and then crack them open into a bowl to look for the white dot or white bullseye that indicates fertility.

I will crack all clears after 10 days to see if they were infertile, or just scrambled, or whatever. I'm worried that I will also have quitters b/c of the goo covering & possible contamination. He has good feedback regarding fertility, but...at this point, I would probably leave negative feedback. I will wait to see if the otehr 7 do wonderfully, in which case I will state it as it is and leave neutral. Or, if it goes poorly and he makes up for it.

I will keep y'all posted!
That's not necessarily true, although the incubation does tend to make it difficult or cause some issues. Any definite clears I have after 5 days, I usually take out of the incubator. I chill them to firm the yolk and then crack and check- typically it shows either a clear bullseye (sometimes broken down a bit by the heat, but still there) or the plain white dot. It's usually only on the eggs that were shaken-scrambled or eaten by bacteria that I can't tell.

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