Wyandotte? What color type?


5 Years
Mar 4, 2018
Sold as a Wyandotte - Does that look right, and if so, what color type is it? Should be 1-2 weeks old. I know it is too early to tell, but any fun guesses on sex?

SLRW (1).jpg
You know its people like you who are gonna make me try to raise some chicks for the first time. Pictures of these little guys are making my mind race as what changes do i need to add to my current setup before i succumb to temptation. That chick is cute but i have no clue.
You know its people like you who are gonna make me try to raise some chicks for the first time. Pictures of these little guys are making my mind race as what changes do i need to add to my current setup before i succumb to temptation. That chick is cute but i have no clue.

This is my first time with chicks and they're the only feathered creatures I have right now. Grown hens are so much easier to care for, it's a good thing chicks are so cute!
I always enjoy threads with weekly updates, so I thought I'd post "her" newest pictures. The first pictures I posted were taken on March 4th, 6 days ago. Here she is today. The main difference I notice is that her back is changing color and her wings are filling in a little more.

BLRW week 2.jpg
BLRW week 2 (1).jpg
BLRW week 2 (2).jpg

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