Wyandottes-lovers of this wonderfull breed come on

Awww everyone has such beautiful Wyandottes!!

I am jealous! I can only have hens, ordered 2 SL pullets from Ideal and they sent me 2 roos
They gave me a refund, but said they didn't have anymore Wyandottes right now and didnt know when they would get more.
I really wanted them to grow up with my 4 Cochins. Guess theres always next Spring. Still bummed though!
Flyingmonkeypoop, you just named her breed:lol:
I ordered 10 BLRW banties and 10 GLW at the same time last Spring and upon arrival all were expired due to cold except one of each was still limp, the other 18 stiff-none breathing. I put both limp ones in my bra, massaged their backs and fronts, put their heads in my mouth and breathed for them until they came back to life and then put them under a heat lamp and ordered 10 more GLW's but decided never again to mess w/bantams as they were too tiny and fragile. I'd just hatched only one bantam out of a dozen and it never made it past the first day, too! So, she never did lace out and I've been wondering what she was, other than Wyandotte and bantam:) I like her so much that is the breed I want someday when I can only have one chicken flock when I'm really old... LOL

White tailed Buff Wyandotte, how do you like that?!?

Added: An elderly couple then gave me their flock of banties and I love them! And the woman who gave me a dozen bantam eggs to hatch that didn't for me, gave me three week old chicks:)
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Seedcorn I had the same problem with my partridge wyandottes when I had them, they had the bunny tails which I could never get rid of.
Thanks for the compliments on them, they have been a fun project.

I have seen LF BLRW's from MM that look like your bantams, no lacing. I kinda like the color, someone should start breeding white tailed buff wyandottes, it wouldnt be that hard.
I bought a SLW chick at the local feed store last spring and she has grown beautifully, but she has a single comb and it flops over on one side. I'll try to take a picture of her. I've never seen one like her. She has big wattles too and her feathers almost curl at the ends, so I'm guessing she has some kind of frizzle in her family history... I don't know. Has anyone else here seen a big single combed Wyandotte before?
A few of my BLRW LF hens have single combs but they aren't that big (combs).

My GLW LF have begun laying:) Saturday when I finished cleaning their coop, one "hen" CROWED at me!!! I HAVE A GLW ROO!!! Now I''m wondering if there really is more like 3-4 young roos in there cause I've had to separate some of the GLW because there was some feather picking going on and I've had one in the house twice with wheezing and that one never lays an egg...

Yesterday I got 8 eggs out of the GLW coop, the one w/the new GLW roo who crowed and Blue the Andalusian keeps everyone in line. Once I put him in there, all the pecking stopped, he doesn't allow them any bully business.

I've still got two other GLW's in w/Brewster the BO roo, one that was pecked on the most and its got one long tail feather, likes to roost higher than anyone else and hasn't seemed to lay any eggs and then the fluffy one who hasn't laid either and wheezes.

I've done the method MissPrissy posted, thinking the wheezing is cleared up, brought it back out to the coop and its wheezing again. I'm thinking it might be wise to cull that one, I've got a lot of birds and need to keep them healthy. I'll go out and get some new pics this morning, don't have to go to work mornings this week:)







I'm going to have my sil take pics for me of their comb/wattle/faces while I hold them, they move around too much, too fast and I'm trying to see how many cockerels/hens I've got.

I'll have him help me w/the BLRW's, tomorrow night...
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Here is my GLW -- she doesn't live here yet, but I paid for her, so she's mine!



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