Wyandottes with possible single comb??


May 20, 2016
Two out of my three BLR wyandottes look to have a single comb while one has a flat comb that looks like it will be a rose comb. Only 2 and 3 weeks old and straight run. Are they really going to have different types of combs? Does this hint at male or female?? This is my first time owning wyandottes. I appreciate any insight!
This doesn't indicate male or female, but happens in hatchery birds. Every once in several generations, the hatcheries will throw something single combed in with the wyandottes and breed it in. The sole purpose is to increase their version of the breed's egg production. So, every couple of generations, you'll have chicks with the recessive single comb pop up. Its unfavorable, if you were hoping to breed, but it doesn't mean anything towards gender.
With wyandottes single combs show up way too often in hatchery birds as well as breeders birds.
The reason is there was a link made to rose comb breeds having lower fertility then single comb birds. Single combs are recessive to rose so breeders of wyandottes decided to continue to keep and breed single comb roosters in their breeding programs since offspring of a rose comb crossed with single will result in rose comb offspring.
Problem is it also produces birds that carry a gene for single comb birds. When those birds are bred it produces some single comb birds as well as more carriers.
So to fix the lower fertility issue they've bred the single comb gene and continue to breed it in that it will never go away and pops up often.
Many will argue it has to or should be done.
I argue that it was/is the worst thing to happen to the Wyandotte breed.
I raised rose comb leghorns and couldn't notice a difference in their fertility compared to the single comb birds. Even if it was lower I don't think it would be so low that single combs should of been brought in. Now that its there there are so many popping up that I think they far out weigh what would of not hatched if left out and breeders stuck with rose only.
Why would you want a breed to produce so many chicks with the wrong combs then deal with a bit lower fertility and lower hatch rates but with 100% correct combs?
IDK genius at work with that poor breed

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