Wyoming Dude who likes Chickens. ( Do I need to see a Doctor?)


7 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Lander, Wyoming
Am I sick or crazy??

I am new to this whole chicken thing and I am finding it kind of fun. I started out with 5 chickens and a small tractor. The guy I got the tractor from gave me 5 mixed breed brown egg layers. I have figured out that I have 2 Dark Cornish, 1 Light Brahma, 1 Colombian Wyandotte, and one that does not look like any other pictures I can find. Soon as I get them home I find myself looking at hatchery websites at night. Then the next thing I know is I am ordering 25 chicks a mixed group of Barnevelders,Wyandottes,Lakenvelders and more Brahmas. I have 1 rooster a Golden Lakenvelder my son named him Bill Cluckman after the dad in the movie Malibu's Most Wanted.

I have built a large coop that a few of my friends call a chicken mansion. So what did I do, ordered more chicks. So now I have 2 brooders going with 40 more chicks. LOL!! This time it is Welsummers, Wyandottes, and more Brahmas all girls. What should I do????

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