Yay!!! They made it!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 16, 2012

All my babies! 3-black australorp, 3-barred rock, 3 light brahma, 3-speckled sussex, 4-Buff Orpington (1-extra from the hatchery)
oh my goodness I am so excited! All happy and healthy from Mt. Healthy!
Yea! So happy it all worked out well. After reading several disastrous stories about shipped chicks lately, it's really nice to read one with a happy ending.
So glad you ordered from Mt Healthy. I've ordered from all over and Mt Healthy have always arrived in the best shape of any of the hatcheries. Of course, mine didn't have to travel out on the extra flight.
Yea! So happy it all worked out well. After reading several disastrous stories about shipped chicks lately, it's really nice to read one with a happy ending.

This! I'm happy for you.

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