Yellow Gelatinous Excretion (Poop? Egg?)


Sep 6, 2020
My hen, LB, has been sick for over a week now (started notice symptoms Monday, May 29th). When it started out, it looked as if she might be egg bound. I isolated her immediately, I sat her in warm epsom salt baths, massaged her abdomen, gave her some calcium, and digitally probed for an egg, which I could not find. She held steady and when she lasted longer than a couple of days (being egg bound I would’ve expected her to die within two days) and I reevaluated. After evaluating her symptoms with a fresh eye, I decided to start treating her for a Egg Yolk Peritonitis (May 31st) I had some leftover meloxicam that I used for inflammation, and I also had some Clindamycin on hand. When I started her on those things, she started to improve. I then started her on Baytril- discontinuing Clindamycin after a single dose (after reading that Baytil is a good chicken broad-spectrum antibiotic). She continues to improve but slowly. Today she didn’t come down from the perch but it’s cold out so I don’t blame her. I took her down and put her under a heat lamp while I hand fed her some watermelon, which she ate, but not with the gusto she had yesterday. She has been eating and drinking (raw egg- not interested in cooked- dried mealworm and crickets, chopped grass and dandelion greens, flax seed, sunflower seeds, cantaloupe, shredded carrots, watermelon, seaweed, cracked corn, canned corn… I tried quite a few things and she took to some then became disinterested after a while so I moved on). Today she just wants watermelon but isn’t super interested in water. 🤷🏼‍♀️

When I pulled out the poop tray out to clean it I noticed- for the second time (the first time being at about day 4) that she had passed yellow gelatinous balls - very springy and odorless. I can’t find anything online that really digs into this. I don’t know whether she pooped it out, or if she pushed it out like an egg.

Does anyone have any experience with this, and if so, what are your thoughts? Is it a positive thing that maybe she passed whatever was bothering her, is it a bad thing being maybe something important that she needs to have her intestines? Does it show, maybe,that she is declining?

Below is a picture of it. It’s on a plastic bag. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you.
That appears to be lash material, caused by salpingitis, which is infection or inflammation of the oviduct. I will link to a good article. If you still have that material, cut it open to see what's inside, compare with the images in the article. Baytril is often the antibiotic used (if you have a good vet they can test to see what might be most effective), but it can be very resistant to treatment unless it's found very early. They are very good at hiding symptoms, so often it's not known until it's more advanced. Sometimes, if they are able to pass some of the material they will feel better for awhile. With some birds, they don't pass any, it just builds up inside. Sometimes the antibiotics will buy them some time, even if it doesn't cure it. Every bird is a little different, it's hard to predict. I've had them live up to 18 months with it, some have passed much sooner. Despite trying to treat many times, I've never had one recover from it, though there are some people who've said theirs did.

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