You Crazy Kids!!!


9 Years
Aug 27, 2010
Well, when we were cleaning our peachicks' they did something hilarious. We have everything set up in a large storage container. The deepest layer of ground is wood shavings, then there is a thick lineup of paper towels, then a metal-screen-type thing. Don't worry, we're going to move them soon. Anyways, as we took the metal screen off, the peachicks both started drilling through the paper towel with their beaks and then just lied above the wood shavings. I found it amusing and cute.
One thing I would like to know is where to keep them. They're outgrowing the small large (<-oxymoron) storage container and my parents are suggesting a hutch or rabbit cage of some sort. We have two cats outdoors that give no mercy, so where should we keep the peachicks?
Last and probably least important, the peachicks are so calm around me. One of them fell asleep in my lap and when I put them down they follow me. I thought peachicks didn't do that? Anyways, t'was a lot of fun.
OK, let me state right off that I don't have peafowl. So keep that in mind. Having said that, what are your plans for them when they are full grown? If you have plans to contain and protect them as adults, I'd start working on that now. I don't imagine that they'll fit in a rabbit hutch for all that long and why build 3-4 'homes' when you can just build the good, solid, protective one to begin with?

And if someone that actually has peafowl chimes in and says differently, listen to them!
I don't know what other people do that makes their peachick not adore them, but mine are complete and total attention whores. They will do anything in their power to come hang out with me and they cry when I put them back in their cage. If I set them down they are now big enough that they can fly after me, and I WILL have a peachick to the shoulder if they have anything to say about it... They sleep on my shoulders, try to eat my dinner, help me cook, and type silly things to my friends while I'm at the computer... not spoiled at all. You've probably just become 'mom' so enjoy it!
We're going to keep them. We have the great backyard with a giant fence so they can roam freely in an enclosed area
..I miss Kirby

deerman, I have no response to your post except a "thank you". Don't be offended, your post was great.
Kedreeva, I'm actually glad to be. Well, I'm a guy, but, Glad to be a dad. I spend a lot of time with the peachicks with the intent of them liking me more.

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