You know you are "Country" when...

When you slosh your own pee on tree trunks and fence posts to deter predators...and later see your dogs backing you up by marking those same spots.

Hey, I learned that trick on a tour of a teepee village at the Indian museum...sounded like a good idea...

Annnnd.... Then you catch your kids doing it too :D

(I have a 6 year old that refuses to pee in the house......)
When you use your new van to transport 3 newborn lambs to work because you have to feed them a bottle every 2 hours. ( I was a teacher & the Principal never knew I brought them with me!). I also drug a playpen across the playground to keep the babies confined in my classroom. She never noticed.
When you use your new van to transport 3 newborn lambs to work because you have to feed them a bottle every 2 hours. ( I was a teacher & the Principal never knew I brought them with me!). I also drug a playpen across the playground to keep the babies confined in my classroom. She never noticed.

I just got "Mary had a little lamb" stuck in my head lol :D
Back of the prius is full of cracked corn.

Love watching my sheep from bed in the morning.

x2 When the floor of your car trunk has a layer of hay, straw, feed, and sometimes mouse poop.

And washing the thick coating of dust off your car from driving on dirt roads is an everyday thing, which gradually dwindles to only for special occasions...or...never.
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x2 When the floor of your car trunk has a layer of hay, straw, feed, and sometimes mouse poop.

And washing the thick coating dust off your car from driving on dirt roads is an everyday thing, which gradually dwindles to only for special occasions...or...never.

Oh no, no, don't wash off the "protective layer" lol, it hides the scratches from the chickens, the green stripe from pulling up too close to the tractor with the fuel tank, and that dent in the bumper from "bumping" the bull :D
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