You know you are "Country" when...

I don't own a dog..that poop stinks. I have stepped in stinky broody poop, that's bad enough but it washes right off. Much easier than washing shoes.
And, yes, I've been called a hillybilly before..mostly by my husband. I was wearing off on him a bit though, there were times when he would be running about the yard barefoot also.
Oh, no! That doesn't sound too good....


no it wasn't too good... I have a pic of him somewhere on my computer... I will post if it i can find it! he looked like a crested rat.....
You're a die-hard, shortgrass!!! Your Big Bird is one super CUTE rooster. What breed is he? I'm guessing Red Sex Link, but I'm not even a year into chickens, so I could be way off. Yeah, my toddler has that same indomitable spirit: he steals food from the chickens, they steal from him, then he steals back and keeps on chomping. His half-eaten apples and pears take a roll in the dirt, he brushes off the chicken feathers, and right back in the mouth they go. By the grace of God, he lives to eat another day...
You're a die-hard, shortgrass!!! Your Big Bird is one super CUTE rooster. What breed is he? I'm guessing Red Sex Link, but I'm not even a year into chickens, so I could be way off. Yeah, my toddler has that same indomitable spirit: he steals food from the chickens, they steal from him, then he steals back and keeps on chomping. His half-eaten apples and pears take a roll in the dirt, he brushes off the chicken feathers, and right back in the mouth they go. By the grace of God, he lives to eat another day...
Yep, red sex link! Lol he was supposed to be a Sunday dinner, but I fell in love with his fuzzy yellow mug ;) You know, my mom called the other day, after we had just returned from the river; catching crawdads and minnows, myd flinging, toads, the usual lol... And she was telling me about this stuff that they have for kids now; SPRAY ON GERMS. Seems that too much hand sanitizer is making our kids too clean and they have no immunity... I'm thinking to myself, as I'm watching my 6 year old daughter run across the yard with the minnow net that we just used, which has previously been used in the cattle yard to catch tadpoles, butterflies from the lake, pretty sure a chicken or two....and she has it on her head, with about 19 baby toads smushed across her face... And I told mom, "nah, I actually think I'll just save my money for a new fishing net." :p
On that note, @TBirdsTheWord33, you know you're a country girl when you've been:
Bit, kicked, stomped, bucked off, rolled over, drug through mud, trees, and water; spat, sneezed, and coughed on; smashed in gates, cattle chutes, trailer doors, and between bodies; thrown into fences, drug through the fairgrounds by an ornery ram, thrown off in front of hundreds of spectators; misfired and self vaccinated, fell in the sheep dip tank, stood in a wool bag and stomped poopy wool; jumped from said wool bags into what you assumed was another bag but it was concrete, fell off numerous haystacks, trees, barns, and the house.....

Not a single broken bone :D
HAHAH I agree!!!

Although I am a woman, I hate shopping.
I LOVE my feed store, just love love it.

I was shopping for a 10" sheave to build a chicken plucker a few weeks ago, Went around my office to stores (3 different ones, including Canadian Tire) asking for that specifically... and the guys ALL gave me a clothe line sheave LOL. Which didn't work at all because of the "connector" on it. So I would ask for a simple sheave, no connector, just a round, metal thing to plug a V-belt. Then I'd get: "what do you want to do with that?"

I get to the feed store, ask for it.. they show me where they are, no questions asked :) And the best -> They don't assume that because I'm a girl I need a clothe line sheave!!! hahahah

They even let me load my feed in my car myself :D And if they don't carry what I'm looking for, they order it for me. Just so much more "human" than a large chain store.

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