You know you are "Country" when...

I have a 41 year old that does this along with the 9 year old!

We're watching TV in the living room and he goes to the porch.
ME: What were you doing?
HIM: Had to pee.
ME: You do realize we have a bathroom right down the hall.
HIM: Why waste the flush?

Go figure?!
Um, come had a Nanny who skinned hogs with you?! That's some life you're livin'! Or by that your Granny??

Granny.We call her nanny

Right on!
. . . when a raccoon comes down your chimney and has her babies in your fireplace! When I called Fish & Game, they suggested I just run right out and get myself some fox urine so spray in the fireplace to get her to move them. Short of that, they said that "studies" show that talk radio would get her to leave. I very politely asked which of my tax dollars paid for that study??? And did they prefer sports talk, Rush Limbough? Needless to say, my chimney is now capped!
Speaking of peeing....I was seated on my front porch one fine sunny day when fluids start pattering down on the tin roof and into the drainspout. As I look into the clear blue sky, I had to wonder.......and walked out into the yard to discover my lazy teenager peeing out his bedroom window.

Only in the country.....
When you know there's chickens in the house and instead of shooing them you just hope they have firm poos!!! Eeeew! And I keep a clean house! How did I get here?!?!?
You get up and put the coffee on, then go out collect the eggs and scrap the poop board in your jammies, come in make breakfast and eat breakfast with chicken poop on you and dh says nothing.....
When you consider hauling your water house work.
And the best when everyone knows you have a bear tag and they call you to tell you where the just saw a big one, cause they would really like to see you get one this year, and would you be shooting this while your wearing flip-flops again? because did you really go deer hunting in those?
DH favorite, when you plan your pregnancies around hunting seasons.
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Oh, oh, oh.... I just thought of some more... and yes it's COUNTRY and not REDNECK.
There might be a difference ya know!!!

You own a truck with more colors of primer than a hot-air balloon, and aren't sure what the original color really is!
You own a MF tractor, and you all know it stands for Massey-Ferguson.
Your weedeater breaks down, so you use the horses to earn their keep.
You know all the words to "I'm from the country and I like it that way", and sing it loudly whenever it comes on the radio, but don't know the title of the song, nor the artist.

Your husband wears a suit to work, but changes into his bib overalls every day after work, and on the weekends.
Your idea of a purebred dog is having seen the Daddy breed the Momma dog. The actual breeds of either or both being unknown.
The garden is done for the year, so you turn it over to the chickens.
You miss your potbelly pig something awful, and can't believe that chickens are the next best thing to a pig.
Your inlaws won't come visit, nor eat anything from your house, because you have dogs inside.

The barn is cleaner than the house.
Simply because who wouldn't rather spend the time with the animals!
When you seriously consider getting another dog, just to insure your inlaws don't come visit.

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