You know you are "Country" when...

You come running in the house screaming FINALLY HONEY, IT FINALLY HAPPENED, your family (visiting from the city) says OMGosh you hit the lotto and you say yeah pretty much, my chicken layed her first egg!!!!!
That was me when they started laying for the year this spring
I had to call everyone too and was running around the yard on the phone with an egg
as if the neighbors don't already think I'm nuts for washing chickens
If you've ever made a cake with a power drill or mashed potatoes in a blender. Good stuff right ther.

If you have more pictures of your chickens and animals than family members.

If you have a homemade, 6ft tall, 300 lb "franken-smoker" in the from yard that can smoke a whole deer (made out of one of the non-working cars in the backyard)

And after turning one of the non-working cars into a smoker, you still have two others to spare!

I think my family is beyond "country". Which one is worst? Redneck or Hick?
I definitly have more pictures of my chickens then I do my family. I knowthat doesn't sound good probably but you never know when you are going to have to show off your chickens.
My DSD was visiting the other night when I made the decision that we should all go to town, so we could treat her to a pizza. I told my DH about my plan when he came in from doing farm chores.
He said "okay, just let me get my teeth and my good ball cap."

For myself, it's only having to own three pairs of shoes. My winter coop boots, my summer crocs for coop use and my go-to-town shoes.

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