You know you're addicted to chickens when...

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When your internet goes out for 24 hours and your DH comes home from work and the first thing he has to ask is if you have missed talking chicken lol I keep eyeing the bator at the feed store and I think DH is noticin, plus the neighbor siad she will give me hers to lol
You know your addicted when you every time you go outside youe see your RIR pullet come running for you and you get all excited and start talking to her. But when you see your kids coming down the street from the bus stop your not excited and you no longer make treats for them for after school, just for the chickens.
DH says that the chickens are nore on my mind then anything else lol I'm sure if you give me time I could think of something else
Okay, okay! I pronounce you ALL WINNERS! Seriously. All of them are so funny!

But these stuck out:

Rhett&SarahsMom :

You begin to "understand" every noise and movement they make and no longer think that Cinderella was a nut for talking with birds and mice and making outfits for them.

Thanx everyone this thread's been a real laugh!​
Holy Cow! or should I say chicken?
I actually was one of the winners! I've never one anything on here! I'm so happy!
When you allow noone else near your chickens becasue they have to be taken care of the right way and because you have to sit and visit no matter what the weather with your RIR pullet because she misses you so much. You do this because you know that no one else in your family will do these little things for them and the chickens expect it to be done no matter what.

    You are at your in laws having dinner and you say its time to go because the coop door needs to be shut.

Hey my husband and I use that excuse all the time to make our exit from tedious family gatherings...oops! It's 8:00, gotta get home to lock the girls up before the coons get 'em!

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