You know you're country when......


When you sleep outside in a hammock for fun, you get bitten by 100x mosquitoes, looking like the wicked witch of the west, and your soccer friends ask, "You sleep outside????" instead of goggling at your bites

actual experience, very funny
When you say ain't and don't even realize it

When your friend that everybody calls Cornbread because of her accent teases you about your accent being stronger than her own

When you reach in your pockets for change and find handfuls of dog(in left pocket) and rabbit [in right pocket] treats instead

When your church friend can't believe you actually hold chickens. Or feed baby lambs. Or warm up newborn, still-wet goats. Or train your dog to find eggs.

When you run your hand through your hair on a hot day and find straw stuck to your neck.

When you roll up your pants leg to see why your calf itches and it's because there's a clump of hay in your sock.

When you know all your cats by their meows, dogs by their howls, and chickens by their squawks and don't even have to look out the window to see who's laying an egg or which single-braincelled cat is stuck up a tree.

All real personal occurrences.
When you ‘go into town’ in mud boots. (Or to church…. Once… it was an accident…) When you feel fancy wearing a polo shirt/dress. When you feel tiny and lost in the mall. When you go to New York City and almost get run over crossing a busy street like it’s a dirt road. When you wave to everyone you drive past. :D

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