Young Easter Egger Rooster 12 weeks old - Orange County CALIFORNIA


10 Years
Dec 30, 2012
I have a beautiful 12 week-old rooster. He is an Easter Egger (Ameraucana mix) type which carries the blue/green egg gene. I hatched and raised him. He is free-ranged and loves to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and mealworms. He is a pet and NOT for eating. He is already handsome and will be even more so in a few months. Roosters are not allowed where I lived. So, I hope to find a good home for him where he can live and take care of some nice lady hens. If you are knowledgeable about the Ameraucana breed, you can see from his feathers that he has the possibility of producing blue chicks if mated with the right hen.

12 weeks old

3 days old.

He is handsome and well-read, too. :)
He is gorgeous! If I didn't live on the other end of the country I'd take him in a heartbeat. Hope you can find him a good home. That chick pic is adorable!
He is gorgeous! If I didn't live on the other end of the country I'd take him in a heartbeat. Hope you can find him a good home. That chick pic is adorable!
Thanks. I hope so, too. So far, not much interest. I am a bit worried because his crow is getting stronger each day. I hope the right person will see my post soon.
I finally found a decent home for him. Not a great home like the one-acre lot that his half brother was lucky enough to be adopted and moved to, but good enough. A small backyard to free range with a few bantams for friends, and hopefully a couple of ladies for him to court soon. His new family thinks he's gorgeous and likes him a lot.

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