Young Golden Wyandotte Stopped Laying


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2018
I have 3 chickens and the Golden Wyandotte stopped laying a few months back. They are now almost 1 year old. The 2 RI Reds will go into the coop at night but the Golden Wyandotte only wants to sleep on top. She also is very shy about coming close to me while the 2 RI reds stand on my shoes and peck at my pants whenever I'm in the coop.

the 2 RI Reds lay daily.
the Golden Wyandotte is also a little messy and I have to clean her bottom every week to remove the dried poop.

How old is she? Pictures? Coop size (or an estimate)? How often does she usually lay? Any stress or predators causing stress lately? Nesting boxes?
She is molting when hens molt they stop laying,because they are more worried about replacing feathers instead of laying.

There are many other factors that can cause a hen to stop laying so I wouldn’t just assume it’s molting. Lighting, dehydration, illness, change in feed or too many treats, stress, etc. get multiple factors and it can stop them for months.
I agree, at less than a year old, there may be something going on other than molt, especially since it's been quite some time since she laid.

I hate to ask the obvious, but are you sure she is not laying? Your birds could be laying in different combinations on different days. I know if they lay eggs that are very close in color it can be hard to tell who laid what and who took a day off. I rarely have a day where I get an egg from every single bird.

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