Young Leghorns Not Laying


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Abita Springs, LA
I just added two new white Leghorns to our flock and they haven't started laying yet. They are a year and half old. I got them from a friend of mine so I trust that they're age is accurate. They have been here a week now and still no eggs. Im not used to buying mature hens so is there something I'm missing? I usually raise everything from chicks. Do mature hens get that freaked out by moving them that they stop laying for awhile?
Moving to a new home usually causes a break in egg production. Generally if hens have been laying, they will produce an egg or two the first couple of days in their new home. These eggs were 'in process' when the hens were moved. They then generally take a break from several days to several weeks. Chickens hate change. Leghorns being somewhat on the flighty side react even more strongly to stress. They will lay again.
Thanks. This is my first experience with leghorns and I wasn't sure if I had maybe received some sick chickens. They seemed very unhappy when I picked them up but I kept them separate for a couple days and then put them in the pasture with the others in a rabbit cage on the ground so everyone could get acquainted. After just a day they were scratching and pecking alongside each other and never any drama so I mixed them in. After just a few days they look great and running with the other girls but still no eggs. Hopefully this week they will start the cycle again.

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