Young Roo Limping on Leg


Premium Feather Member
7 Years
Apr 13, 2017
I have a 3.5 month old cockeral that has been limping for the last few days. I'm not sure what he did to it, and looking over him he doesn't have any obvious injury. No bumble foot or cuts. I attached video of him walking. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
What do you feed?

You can try giving vitamin therapy to see if that helps. 1/4 tablet B-Complex once a day.

Make sure he's getting to feed and water. It may be injury, he may have been fighting, he may have a developmental/genetic problem, he may have been kept from food/water, he may have Marek's, he's really hard to know.
What do you feed?

You can try giving vitamin therapy to see if that helps. 1/4 tablet B-Complex once a day.

Make sure he's getting to feed and water. It may be injury, he may have been fighting, he may have a developmental/genetic problem, he may have been kept from food/water, he may have Marek's, he's really hard to know.
He gets starter grower crumble currently. Occasionally gets treats like meal worms and watermelon, etc. Yes, he has been getting to the food and water, they have multiple feeders around the pen and I have seen him eat/drink. I will have to try that, hopefully it'll help.
Just thought I would update that about a 1-2 weeks after posting this thread, he started to walk normally and is now doing fine. I had ordered some B vitamin complex tablets and gave some to him, that seemed to have helped

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