your experience with different waters


11 Years
May 14, 2008
Hi Folks, some waterer questions
1. How do you get the big 5 gallon plastic waters with the big O ring on the top to last and form a seal. It seems they loose thier ability to seal pretty quickly. I've resorted to using petrolium Jelly around the inside of the screw top and that works, but over time you get it everywhere and then gobs in the water itself. I'm tired of the waters running out after you adjust it right and walk away only to find it lost it's seal and drained.

2. has anyone used the new (new to me) eight gallon one's on plastic tripod legs that I've seen on ebay recently. pro's/cons?

3. the metal double walled water's seem to be about the most trouble free (that i've used) but you can't put ACV in them. No?

4. how about a short tutorial for us folks that haven't use the automatic "nipple' type that you can put in the bottom of a 5 gal bucket.

5. what did I miss about waters that you'd like to add.

Thanks, Keystonepaul .
We have well water. We lite the tank fill each morning and they drink from the hose ( a little drop at a time). We hang it so they can get there water out of the end. We put the hose in the ground last summer to keep the water cooler. And it dose not freeze up. But we had a warm winter. Our well water is checked at the healthy department in town. I still put a pan under it for the older hens. When the weather is over or around 80 - I put ice in there water in the aternoon.
I realy enjoy my Jersey Giant's.
thank you for inform from you.

Our Jersey Giants are doing Great.
They are already laying good.
Our older hens have not taken to kindly to them. They have there own group. But will stay together at night.

A friend has given us 2- White Leggers.
for the Kids to raise. I have no ideal what they are or how the will look.
I no they LOVE TO EAT.
How old dose the Rhode Island have to be when they stop Laying.
We have some that are 7-8 years old. And still laid during the winter off and on.
Lost 2-this winter.Sooo SAD
And A dog killed ONE.
I hear your pain . . .

I have tried the nipples-- seem great for my chicks but the hens hate them and run for the puddle when let out to free range. I'm planning on trying the cups as those were the recommended solution.

You are right that ACV or any vinegar cannot go with most metal items; stainless steel is ok apparently.

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