Your first chicks!

Dreamers Nook

Aug 17, 2023
I wanted to post this thread, to see if others had similar feelings the first time receiving chicks, and if it changes as time goes on.

I had almost a year researching and deciding what I wanted, then almost 6 months wait (pre-ordering) and preparation. Weather and life made us behind on some of that, of course.
My husband said I acted like an expectant parent. It wasn't his first for chicks, though been a real long time, it was mine. He hadn't dealt with Mail order though.

But, I didn't realize until today, how much having them, especially with dealing with the losses, the fear of finding another, constantly checking on them, is so much like having kids. Especially the first one. It's been so long ago for me!

The excitement as they grow, and learn new things. Pretty amazing how we can get so involved in this and want to share.

Am I alone in this "parent" like weirdness? Please share...:jumpy
I wanted to post this thread, to see if others had similar feelings the first time receiving chicks, and if it changes as time goes on.

I had almost a year researching and deciding what I wanted, then almost 6 months wait (pre-ordering) and preparation. Weather and life made us behind on some of that, of course.
My husband said I acted like an expectant parent. It wasn't his first for chicks, though been a real long time, it was mine. He hadn't dealt with Mail order though.

But, I didn't realize until today, how much having them, especially with dealing with the losses, the fear of finding another, constantly checking on them, is so much like having kids. Especially the first one. It's been so long ago for me!

The excitement as they grow, and learn new things. Pretty amazing how we can get so involved in this and want to share.

Am I alone in this "parent" like weirdness? Please share...:jumpy
No you are not alone in this feeling! I feel exactly the same way! I love them so much and call them my babies. Chickens are so sweet and intelligent. I don't know how so many people feel this way! I hope you have a wonderful time watching your little ones grow and have a wonderful life! :hugs:jumpy💚😊

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