Your first(s)?

Mr. Ree

12 Years
Feb 7, 2007
South Central, KY
I was talkin about the very first birds I ever owned the other day with my Grandfather, and was just curious,.... Do any of you guys remember the very first chickens you ever had? Mine was a pair of Buff Cochin Bantams, named Barney and Baby-Bop, lol. I was very young, 3-4, when I had them, but still remember it to this day. If this is something that as been discussed before or currently, my apologies.

I still have one of my first chickens, Soup. We think she's a Wyandotte and she's about three years old - we haven't had chickens for that long. Her friend I sadly had to put down - she had a very weak immune system and a million diseases.
This is Soup:



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Yes, Casey, I still have one of my original hatchery hens, a Buff Orp named Sunny, who is six years old. The next to last one died a couple of weeks ago of ovarian carcinoma, a production type RIR named Reba. The original ten are the ones who hooked me forever.

There were others my grandfather had on the farm when I was growing up, but I don't remember any of them specifically since I wasn't all that interested in having my own chickens at that time.
my first chickens were about 38 years ago when i was about 4 or 5 years old. My parents kept them eggs and meat. Of course i had a favorite as a pet. Then i had 12 of my own when I was 9. My favorite was named Marla Sandra Chicken. She used to ride on the handle bars of my bicycle, on my go cart, went to school with me as show and tell, came running to me when i called her, etc. Weasel got her when she was 5 or 6. bummer.

Had to wait until i was 39 to get more!
I still don't know what our first chickens were actually-I am guessing some kind of sex-linked though (they were almost all white and medium in size). When we moved from the city to the country, a neighbor and farm vet welcomed us to the neighborhood with two chickens! He said you have a barn, you need critters
It was a bit strange at the time (chickens? not an apple pie or something, really?) but now I can't imagine not having a barnful of animals.
My first chickens was the day i was born. They all hatched on the day i was born! Our little it was a girl card had me and baby chicks and the title was Look at our chicks! I still have tht card.

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