Zane, Chapter 7/Update

Ack, Speckled
What about that amputation idea someone suggested? Would or could you guys do that? I'm so sorry....
I'm so sorry Cyn. You're right, Zane doesn't deserve this. And you don't deserve this either. Many days it's hard to figure what the universe is thinking, operating like this, most especially when our sweet innocent ones are given such tough battles.
Many hugs :aww JJ
If it comes down to a matter of money, I'd be more than willing to donate to the "Save Zane Fund."

But, if you guys decide not to go that route, I think everyone on here would agree that you guys gave it every chance to help this guy and he's a very lucky boy to have lived in your home and in your hearts.


Edited to correct my cruddy spelling!
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That's very sweet, and I appreciate the thought, but no, we cant go that route. This is our sad circumstance to deal with and we'll get through it one way or another, with the support of caring friends.
Specks, I understand, after $335.00 all I brought home from the vet was a dead bird. I understand some of the vet's expenses and all, but still.....

You'll do right by him.

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