Zane, Chapter 7/Update

Cyn, I do have a good Avian vet down here that I have used for my parrots.

Who would figure a parrot could have allergies to new carpeting. Reminds me I need to but some pics in the contest thread.

Anyway, If you want to email me the info on what has occurred and what has been tried I can see if he has any ideas. His name is Dr. Delong.

Here is a site that lists him and some other vets
Hey Cyn! I am back in town now and am finally getting a chance to catch up on Zane. I am so sorry that his infection is back. This just doesn't make sense and just isn't fair.
I was wishing and hoping for a different outcome for this boy. I really can't help but think that this is all due to nerve damage, like my dog had that I told you about and we know what the solution was there. Please know that you are in my thoughts daily and if there is anything at all that I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. I would do anything to help get this boy better. Sending you lots and lots of hugs.
Crystal, if you could ask your vet why an infection keeps returning in the tissues, if he thinks there is more broken cartilage or bone pieces in there causing it. I just cant figure out why a soft tissue infection defies multiple rounds of penicillin, lincomycin, doxycycline AND Cipro.
I'll update you all when we decide what to do about Zane. He is such a cheerful, lovable fellow all the time. He certainly is not depressed, though I know the leg hurts. He keeps raising up and trying to press it toward the ground, but I know he gets frustrated when it wont do what he wants.
I've been thinking of you and the Zaneman. I think it would be a lot worse if he were depressed.

Being cheery and vocal that he is, would be some kind of a good sign, right?
Luna, that makes it even harder to decide what to do sometimes. If he was depressed, the choice would be clear, I think. He did have a period way back closer to the beginning when he was depressed and unhealthy looking, but now he's very robust and crows several times daily, flirts, alarms, all things roosters do except be successful at mating. Even that, I think he could do if a girl would hold still for him more.
Specks, after I made my post I reread it, and you're right. I think it would be a lot easier if he were depressed. It would be a lot harder to make a decision when a bird like yours is being happy but has this awful injury that doesn't seem to quit.

I think half of my bird's problem was that she was depressed besides being ill. Dang it, still doesn't make things easier.
You have to decide what is best for Zane, but know we are all behind you and you have lots of love and prayers and good thoughts coming your way. With winter coming it is going to be difficult. Will the infection get into his entire system? I just cannot imagine the frustration you are now going through. Breaks my heart
I'm sure the infection will kill him if it isnt contained. We are giving him lincomycin injections, just to hold it at bay till my DH can decide what to do. If we had anesthetic, we'd most likely amputate the leg ourselves, but we dont.

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